mskilab-org/nf-casereports is a bioinformatics pipeline from mskilab-org
for running JaBbA
, our algorithm for MIP based joint inference of copy number and rearrangement state in cancer whole genome sequence data. This pipeline runs all the pre-requisite tools (among others) and generates the necessary inputs for running JaBbA and loading into case-reports, our clinical front-end. It is designed to take paired tumor-normal samples or tumor-only samples as input.
- Align to Reference Genome (currently supports
, and GPU acceleratedfq2bam
). - Quality Control (using
,Picard CollectWGSMetrics
,Picard CollectMultipleMetrics
, andGATK4 EstimateLibraryComplexity
) - Mark Duplicates (using
GATK MarkDuplicates
) - Base recalibration (using
GATK BaseRecalibrator
) - Apply BQSR (using
) - Perform structural variant calling (using
) - Perform pileups (using
) - Generate raw coverages and correct for GC & Mappability bias (using
) - Remove biological and technical noise from coverage data. (using
) - Perform segmentation using tumor/normal ratios of corrected read counts, (using the
(circular binary segmentation) algorithm) - Purity & ploidy estimation (using
) - Junction copy number estimation and event calling (using
- Call SNVs and indels (using
) - Annotate variants (using
) - Assign mutational signatures (using
) - Detect HRD (Homologous Recombination Deficiency) (using
Note If you are new to Nextflow and nf-core, please refer to this page on how to set-up Nextflow. Make sure to test your setup with
-profile test
before running the workflow on actual data.
You need to create a samplesheet with information regarding the samples you
want to run the pipeline on. You need to specify the path of your
samplesheet using the --input
flag to specify the location. Make sure the
input samplesheet.csv
file is a comma-separated file and contains the
headers discussed below. It is highly recommended to provide the absolute
path for inputs inside the samplesheet rather than relative paths.
For paired tumor-normal samples, use the same patient
ID, but different
names. Indicate their respective tumor/normal status
, where 1 in
the status
field indicates a tumor sample, and 0 indicates a normal
sample. You may pass multiple sample
IDs per patient, nf-casereports
consider them as separate samples belonging to the same patient and output the
results accordingly.
Specify the desired output root directory using the --outdir
The outputs will be organized first by tool
and then sample
The input samplesheet should look like this:
Each row represents a pair of fastq files (paired end) for a single sample (in this case a normal sample, status: 0). After the input file is ready, you can run the pipeline using:
nextflow run mskilab-org/nf-jabba \
-profile <docker|singularity|institute> \
--input samplesheet.csv \
--outdir <OUTDIR> \
--tools <all|aligner,bamqc,gridss,amber,fragcounter,dryclean,cbs,sage,purple,jabba,non_integer_balance,lp_phased_balance,events,fusions,snpeff,snv_multiplicity,signatures,hrdetect> \
--genome <GATK.GRCh37/GATK.GRCh38>
Warning: Please provide pipeline parameters via the CLI or Nextflow
option. Custom config files including those provided by the-c
Nextflow option can be used to provide any configuration except for parameters; see docs.
A typical sample sheet can populate with all or some of the column names as shown below. The pipeline will use the information provided in the samplesheet and the tools specified in the run to parsimoniously run the steps of the pipeline to generate all remaining outputs.
N.B You do not need to supply all the columns in the table below. The table represents all the possible inputs that can be passed. If you are starting from BAMs just pass bam
and bai
columns. If you are starting from FASTQs, pass fastq1
(and fastq2
for paired reads). If you have already generated other outputs, you may pass them as well to prevent the pipeline from running tools for which you already have outputs.
Column Name | Description |
patient | (required) Patient or Sample ID. This should differentiate each patient/sample. Note: Each patient can have multiple sample names. |
sample | (required) Sample ID for each Patient. Should differentiate between tumor and normal (e.g sample1_t vs. sample1_n ). Sample IDs should be unique to Patient IDs |
lane | If starting with FASTQ files, and if there are multiple lanes for each sample for each patient, mention lane name. |
sex | If known, please provide the sex for the patient. For instance if Male type XY, else if Female type XX, otherwise put NA. |
status | (required) This should indicate if your sample is tumor or normal. For normal, write 0, and for tumor, write 1. |
fastq_1 | Full path to FASTQ file read 1. The extension should be .fastq.gz or .fq.gz . |
fastq_2 | Full path to FASTQ file read 2 (if paired reads). The extension should be .fastq.gz or .fq.gz . |
bam | Full path to BAM file. The extension should be .bam . |
bai | Full path to BAM index file. The extension should be .bam.bai . |
hets | Full path to sites.txt file. |
amber_dir | Full path to AMBER output directory. |
frag_cov | Full path to the fragCounter coverage file. |
dryclean_cov | Full path to the Dryclean corrected coverage file. |
ploidy | Ploidies for each sample. |
seg | Full path to the CBS segmented file. |
nseg | Full path to the CBS segmented file for normal samples. |
vcf | Full path to the GRIDSS VCF file. |
vcf_tbi | Full path to the GRIDSS VCF index file. |
jabba_rds | Full path to the JaBbA RDS (jabba.simple.rds ) file. |
jabba_gg | Full path to the JaBbA gGraph ( ) file. |
ni_balanced_gg | Full path to the non-integer balanced gGraph ( ) file. |
lp_phased_gg | Full path to the LP phased gGraph ( ) file. |
events | Full path to the events file. |
fusions | Full path to the fusions file. |
snv_somatic_vcf | Full path to the somatic SNV VCF file. |
snv_somatic_tbi | Full path to the somatic SNV VCF index file. |
snv_germline_vcf | Full path to the germline SNV VCF file. |
snv_germline_tbi | Full path to the germline SNV VCF index file. |
variant_somatic_ann | Full path to the somatic SNV annotated VCF file. |
variant_somatic_bcf | Full path to the somatic SNV BCF file. |
variant_germline_ann | Full path to the germline SNV annotated VCF file. |
variant_germline_bcf | Full path to the germline SNV BCF file. |
snv_multiplicity | Full path to the SNV multiplicity file. |
sbs_signatures | Full path to the SBS signatures file. |
indel_signatures | Full path to the indel signatures file. |
signatures_matrix | Full path to the signatures matrix file. |
hrdetect | Full path to the HRDetect file. |
For tumor-only samples, simply add the flag --tumor_only true
to the nextflow command. The pipeline will then run in tumor-only mode.
For more information regarding the pipeline usage and the inputs necesaary for each step, please follow the Usage documentation.
If a process of the pipeline fails or is interrupted at some point, Nextflow can resume from that point without having to start over from the beginning. You must specify this in the CLI
or on the command-line
when restarting a pipeline. You can also supply a run name to resume a specific run using: -resume
[run-name]. Use the nextflow log
command to show previous run names.
Use this parameter for choosing a configuration profile. Profiles contain configuration presets for different computing environments.
Several generic profiles have been provided by default which instruct the pipeline to use software packaged using different methods. You can use this option to run the pipeline via containers (singularity/Docker) (highly recommended)
You can mention custom configuration scripts to run the pipeline with using the -c
flag and providing a path to the .config
file. This is advised when you want to submit processes into an executor like slurm
or LSF
The Nextflow -bg
flag launches the Nextflow pipeline as a background process. This allows you to detach or exit your terminal without interrupting the run. A log of the run will be saved inside a file upon completion. You can also use screen
or tmux
sessions to persist runs.
Every module in the pipeline has been containerized. Some modules are partially modified versions of nf-core/modules, these modules use nf-core containers. Modules that use our lab packages and scripts were containerized into Docker images. These images can be found on our DockerHub.
Warning: JaBbA depends on CPLEX MIP Optimizer to work. Because CPLEX is a proprietary software, it isn't included in the image and needs to be installed by the user. To add CPLEX:
- Download CPLEX (Linux x86-64). (You may need to use the HTTP method.)
- Pull image and run the container using:
docker pull mskilab/jabba:latest docker run -it --rm --platform linux/amd64 mskilab/jabba:latest
- Copy CPLEX binary into the container: docker cp /PATH/TO/DOWNLOADED_CPLEX.bin CONTAINER_ID:/opt/cplex_studio
- Install CPLEX: /opt/cplex_studio/DOWNLOADED_CPLEX.bin (If you get a Permission denied error, run chmod 777 /PATH/TO/DOWNLOADED_CPLEX.bin before copying it into the container.)
- When prompted for an installation path, type /opt/cplex. This is what the CPLEX_DIR environmental variable is set to.
- Save changes to a new image for future use: Exit container (type exit or press Ctrl-D) Run docker commit CONTAINER_ID NEW_IMAGE_ID
To debug any step or process that failed, first check your current execution_trace*.txt
file inside the <outdir>/pipeline_info/
folder. There you'll find a hash
number for that process. You can use that hash
number to locate that process's working directory. This directory will contain multiple .command.*
files that correspond to your run and contain valuable information that can help you debug your error. You can also run the
script to do a manual, isolated execution of the offending process for quick testing.
was written by Shihab Dider
and Tanubrata Dey
and at the Perlmutter Cancer Center and the New York Genome Center.
We thank the following people for their extensive guidance in the development of this pipeline:
An extensive list of references for the tools used by the pipeline can be found in the
This pipeline uses code and infrastructure developed and maintained by the nf-core community, reused here under the MIT license.
Most large structural variants in cancer genomes can be detected without long reads. Choo, ZN., Behr, J.M., Deshpande, A. et al.
Nat Genet 2023 Nov 09. doi:
The nf-core framework for community-curated bioinformatics pipelines.
Philip Ewels, Alexander Peltzer, Sven Fillinger, Harshil Patel, Johannes Alneberg, Andreas Wilm, Maxime Ulysse Garcia, Paolo Di Tommaso & Sven Nahnsen.
Nat Biotechnol. 2020 Feb 13. doi: 10.1038/s41587-020-0439-x.