Update v2.5.0 - Population and Corruption update
Updated Knights of Caledor victory conditions
Required buildings to achieve a Short Victory have been reduced to Purified Graves of the Dragons and a Dragon Keep
Required buildings to achieve a Long Victory have been reduced to Purified Graves of the Dragons, a Dragon Keep, and the Hall of Dragons
All required units have been changed to dragons
Most of the skaven factions corruption requirements have been modified
Affects all factions except Clan Pestilens
Required corruption has been reduced from 52% to 39%
Some changes introduced to Exiles of Nehek
Building the Black Pyramid is no longer required to achieve a Short Victory
Building a Grave Port is now required to achieve a Short Victory
Building three Grave Ports is now required to achieve a Long Victory
Some changes introduced to Clan Rictus
Corrupting Ishtmus of Lustria is no longer required by Clan Rictus to achieve a Short Victory
Corrupting Eataine is no longer required to achieve a Long Victory
Added docs for The Thousand Maws
Defeating chaos is no longer required by The Thousand Maws to achieve a Short Victory
Defeating The Thousand Maws is now required by Couronne to achieve a victory
Defeating The Thousand Maws is now required by Bordeleaux to achieve a victory
Defeating The Thousand Maws is now required by Reikland to achieve a Long Victory
Both Temple Cities and Temple Nexus are now valid by Hexoatl to achieve a Short Victory
Both Geomantic Spires and Geomantic Locus are now valid by Last Defenders to achieve a Short Victory
Both Blood Shrines of Sotek and Crimson Pyramid of Sotek are now valid by Cult of Sotek to achieve a Short Victory
Building the Altdorf Landmark is no longer required by Von Carstein to achieve a Short Victory
Fixed a bug that caused Clan Skyre Short Campaign to be unachievable
Fixed a bug where Followers of Nagash had to create non-existent buildings
Special thanks to BoyNamedHsu for his help with this release
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