🏆 Highlights
Refactor the visualization code in Jupyter, make it more beautiful and convinient.
Add minimizer engine with FIRE method.
Add a new feature to calculate the atomic shear strain.
Add OrthogonalBox module to change triclinic box to rectangular box.
Add adaptive common neighbor analysis method.
Add IdentifyDiamondStructure method.
🚀 Performance improvements
Improve the performance for split_dump and split_xyz method.
✨ Enhancements
Add an example to compute Vacancy Formation energy.
Make CreatePolycrystalline module can accept any files as matrix.
Let the max type in LammpsPotential module is determined by given elemental list, enabling more flexible usage.
🐞 Bug fixes
Fix a bug for cell_opt class.
Fix a bug for neighbor class.
Fix a bug for RDF with partial interaction in multi-elemental system.
Fix a bug for reading cp2k output file with OT method.
Let GUI model compatible with latest polars.
🛠️ Other improvements
Update NEP interface to V1.3, compatible with GPUMD 3.9.5.
Updated some documentations.
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