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Now injects a branch instruction and sets the value elsewhere.
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This allows for 32 bit values instead of the previous 16 bit limit.
Since I could not find any suitable chunks of unused bytes near the original function I had to introduce a detour into the normal control flow.
The original function's 16 bit immediate move instruction is replaced by a unconditional branch to a function fragment at the top of flash rom.
The new value is loaded from the last 32 bit word of flash and control flow proceeds in the original function after the replaced instruction.
  • Loading branch information
nairol committed Jun 6, 2015
1 parent ee261fd commit 8863df4
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Showing 3 changed files with 212 additions and 85 deletions.
209 changes: 160 additions & 49 deletions DK2_LS_FW.d
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,9 +13,18 @@ import std.stdio : writeln, writefln;
import std.file : exists, read, write;
import std.conv : parse;
import std.typecons : tuple;
import std.bitmanip : littleEndianToNative;
import std.bitmanip : littleEndianToNative, nativeToLittleEndian;
import std.digest.crc : CRC32;
import std.path : stripExtension;
import std.algorithm : any;
import std.math: abs;

enum fileHeaderLength = 23;
enum imageHeaderLength = 10;
enum firmwareFileOffset = fileHeaderLength + imageHeaderLength;

enum baseAddressFlash = 0x08004000;
enum defaultLensSeparation = 63500;

void main( string[] args )
Expand All @@ -26,74 +35,134 @@ void main( string[] args )

uint lensSeperation = args[1].parse!uint;
if( lensSeperation > ushort.max )
writeln("Lens separation too big (max. 65535)");
ushort newValue = lensSeperation & ushort.max;
auto lensSeparation = args[1].parse!uint;

string firmwarePath = args[2];
if( firmwarePath.exists() == false )
writeln("Firmware path incorrect");
writeln("Error: Firmware path incorrect");

// Read the whole file into a buffer
auto buf = cast(ubyte[]);

// Very simple check. I should do more validation with the data in the header...
if( buf[0..4] != [0x4F, 0x56, 0x52, 0x46] )
if( buf[0..4] != ['O', 'V', 'R', 'F'] )
writeln("This is not a valid Oculus firmware file.");
writeln("Error: This is not a valid Oculus firmware file.");

// This assumes that there is only one firmware image in the file and that the first one is the
// This assumes that there is only one firmware image in the file and that it is for the DK2
auto firmwareLength = buf[0x1D .. 0x21].littleEndianToNative!uint;
if( firmwareLength + 33 > buf.length )
if( firmwareLength + firmwareFileOffset > buf.length )
writeln("Image size in header wrong or file incomplete!");
writeln("Error: Image size in header wrong or file incomplete!");

// Get the slice of the file that only contains the firmware image
auto fw = buf[0x21 .. 0x21+firmwareLength];

writeln("Searching the default value...");
writeln("Searching the default lens separation value in the file...");

auto offsets = fw.findOffsetsForMOVimm16( 63500 );
auto offsets = fw.findOffsetsFor_MOV_imm_T3( defaultLensSeparation );
if( offsets.length == 0 )
writeln("Could not find the default lens separation value in the firmware!");
writeln("Error: Could not find the default lens separation value in the firmware!");
if( offsets.length > 1 )
writeln("Found more than one possible addresses to patch:");
writeln("Error: Found more than one possible addresses to patch:");
foreach( offset; offsets )
writefln( "0x%.8X", offset );

auto offset = offsets[0];
auto mov = fw[offset..offset+4].decodeMOVimm16();
writefln("Found default value at address 0x%.8X (register=%d)", offsets[0], mov.register);
auto originalOffset = offsets[0];
auto mov = fw[originalOffset..originalOffset+4].decode_MOV_imm_T3();
writefln("Found at file offset 0x%.8X (address 0x%.8X): MOVW R%d, #%d",
firmwareFileOffset+originalOffset, baseAddressFlash+originalOffset,
mov.register, mov.value);

writeln("Checking if there is free space for the detour function...");
if( fw[$-256..$].any() )
writefln("Error: There is data or code in the last 256 bytes! Too risky to patch.");
writeln("The last 256 bytes contain only zeros. They are assumed to be free space.");
writefln("Changing lens separation to %d micrometers (0x%.8X)...", lensSeparation, lensSeparation);
writeln("The following changes have been made:");
writeln("File Offset | Address | Data | Decoded Data");

auto detourFuncOffset = fw.length - 12; // Detour function will be in the last 12 bytes of flash
auto detourFuncAddress = baseAddressFlash + detourFuncOffset;

writefln("Changing lens separation value to %d (0x%.4X)", newValue, newValue);
fw[offset..offset+4] = encodeMOVimm16(mov.register, newValue);
// Replace the 32 bit MOV instruction with a unconditional branch (jump) to the detour
// function that will be written later to the very top of flash memory.
auto branchForwardDifference = detourFuncOffset - (originalOffset+4);
auto branchForwardInstruction = encode_B_T4( branchForwardDifference );
fw[originalOffset..originalOffset+4] = branchForwardInstruction[];
writefln(" %.8X | %.8X | %.4X %.4X | B.W %.8X",

writeln("Recalculating CRC32...");
// First detour function instruction: Load the 32 bit lens separation value
// The parameter addressDifference (4) means that the data is loaded from (PC+4).
// PC (program counter) is the address of the next instruction.
auto detourFunc = fw[detourFuncOffset .. $]; // Get a slice of the last 12 bytes of flash memory
detourFunc[0..4] = encode_LDR_literal_T2( mov.register, 4); // Instr: Load word from (here + 8)
writefln(" %.8X | %.8X | %.4X %.4X | LDR.W R%d, [PC,#%d]",
mov.register, 4);

// Second detour function instruction: Branch (jump) back into the original function
// Destination is the next instruction after the MOV (that has been replaced by our branch)
auto branchBackDifference = (originalOffset+4) - (detourFuncOffset+8);
detourFunc[4..8] = encode_B_T4( branchBackDifference ); // Instr: Jump to next original instruction
writefln(" %.8X | %.8X | %.4X %.4X | B.W %.8X",

// Lens separation value, 32 bit, unsigned(?), little-endian (LSB first)
// This will be loaded by the first detour function instruction
detourFunc[8..12] = lensSeparation.nativeToLittleEndian;
writefln(" %.8X | %.8X | %.8X | Lens separation value: %d",

// Update the firmware header + image CRC32 value
CRC32 crc;
crc.put( buf[0x1B..0x21+firmwareLength] );
auto crcResult = crc.finish();
buf[0x17..0x1B] = crcResult;
writefln("New CRC32 is %(%.2X%)", crcResult);
writefln(" %.8X | n/a | %.2X %.2X %.2X %.2X | New firmware CRC32 value",
0x17, buf[0x17], buf[0x18], buf[0x19], buf[0x1A]);

string newFile = firmwarePath.stripExtension() ~ "_Fixed_Lens_Seperation.ovrf";

string newFile = firmwarePath.stripExtension() ~ ".patched.ovrf";
writeln("Writing patched firmware image to ", newFile);
write(newFile, buf);

Expand All @@ -105,31 +174,15 @@ void main( string[] args )

bool isMOVimm16( const ubyte[] instruction )
bool is_MOV_imm_T3( const ubyte[] instruction )
// See (p. 347)
return ((instruction[0] & 0b11110000) == 0b01000000) &&
((instruction[1] & 0b11111011) == 0b11110010) &&
((instruction[3] & 0b10000000) == 0b00000000);

ubyte[4] encodeMOVimm16( ubyte register, ushort value )
// See (p. 347)
auto imm4 = (0b1111000000000000 & value) >> 12;
auto i = (0b0000100000000000 & value) >> 11;
auto imm3 = (0b0000011100000000 & value) >> 8;
auto imm8 = (0b0000000011111111 & value);

ubyte[4] result;
result[0] = 0xFF & (0b01000000 | imm4);
result[1] = 0xFF & (0b11110010 | (i << 2));
result[2] = 0xFF & imm8;
result[3] = 0xFF & ((imm3 << 4) | (register & 0b00001111));
return result;

auto decodeMOVimm16( const ubyte[] instruction )
auto decode_MOV_imm_T3( const ubyte[] instruction )
// See (p. 347)
auto imm4 = (0b00001111 & instruction[0]);
Expand All @@ -142,20 +195,19 @@ auto decodeMOVimm16( const ubyte[] instruction )
return tuple!("register", "value")(reg, val);

// Find all offsets of MOV instructions with given 16-bit immediate operand
// Assumes the buffer is a firmware image and the image starts at a 2 byte aligned target address
uint[] findOffsetsForMOVimm16( const ubyte[] buffer, ushort operand )
uint[] findOffsetsFor_MOV_imm_T3( const ubyte[] buffer, ushort operand )
uint[] results = [];

for( uint offset = 0; (offset+4)<buffer.length; offset+=2 )
auto slice = buffer[offset .. offset+4];

if( slice.isMOVimm16() )
if( slice.is_MOV_imm_T3() )
auto mov = decodeMOVimm16( slice );
auto mov = decode_MOV_imm_T3( slice );
if( mov.value == operand )
results.length = results.length + 1;
Expand All @@ -164,4 +216,63 @@ uint[] findOffsetsForMOVimm16( const ubyte[] buffer, ushort operand )
return results;

ubyte[4] encode_B_T4( int addressDifference )
// See (p. 239)
if( addressDifference % 2 != 0 )
throw new Exception("encode_B_T4: Address difference LSB set! (Instruction or target unaligned)");
enum MIN = -(2^^24) ; // -16777216
enum MAX = (2^^24)-1; // 16777215

if( addressDifference > MAX || addressDifference < MIN )
throw new Exception("encode_B_T4: Address difference too big to encode in T4!");

auto imm24 = cast(uint) addressDifference;
imm24 = (imm24 >> 1) & 0x00FFFFFF;

auto S = (0b10000000_00000000_00000000 & imm24) >> 23;
auto I1 = (0b01000000_00000000_00000000 & imm24) >> 22;
auto I2 = (0b00100000_00000000_00000000 & imm24) >> 21;
auto imm10 = (0b00011111_11111000_00000000 & imm24) >> 11;
auto imm11 = (0b00000000_00000111_11111111 & imm24);

auto J1 = ~(I1 ^ S) & 0b00000001;
auto J2 = ~(I2 ^ S) & 0b00000001;

ubyte[4] result;
result[0] = 0xFF & imm10;
result[1] = 0xFF & (0b11110000 | (S << 2) | (imm10 >> 8));
result[2] = 0xFF & imm11;
result[3] = 0xFF & (0b10010000 | (J1 << 5) | (J2 << 3) | (imm11 >> 8));

return result;

ubyte[4] encode_LDR_literal_T2( ubyte register, short addressDifference )
// See (p. 289)
if( register > 0b1111 )
throw new Exception("encode_LDR_literal_T2: register invalid");

auto offset = abs( addressDifference );
if( offset > 0xFFF )
throw new Exception("encode_LDR_literal_T2: addressDifference too big (max = +-4095)");

ubyte[4] result;
result[0] = (addressDifference >= 0) ? 0b11011111 : 0b01011111;
result[1] = 0b11111000;
result[2] = 0xFF & offset;
result[3] = 0xFF & (( register << 4) | (offset >> 8));

return result;

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