this project come to gave solution to the GPS with AI
at this project i use pi 4B with ubuntu flash - 22.04 -> for ros iron use with dorne at the drone i use ardupilot - for the telemetry esc
need to add here the artical that i read
missions that not do - big
- learn pytorch - control it
- need to check how to get the altitude from the baro - i dont get acsess from this
- get the hdop data to the fpv
- add some menual pit mode with pwm convertrt
- make code that mech all the csv file - can waith with this part 9)make the big code the to the AI part with pytorch 10)visulize the new location -
**the main mission right now - learn pytorch
some idia - maby add the part of the controler in ?? (need to think about it )
#need to fill this line here data need to take from the drone: voltage of the drone compass heading heading from the GPS - GLOBAL_POSITION_INT (pymavlink) imu - SCALED_IMU //RAW_IMU ATTITUDE // ALTITUDE ( #141 )
mission for the close time
- change from scv to somthing that can andel more data
- problem with the time
- run time - ask if i can get the actual time
download python 3.9.12 -- or else
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y build-essential zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libgdbm-dev libnss3-dev libssl-dev libreadline-dev libffi-dev wget
tar -xf Python-3.9.12.tgz
cd Python-3.9.12
./configure --enable-optimizations
make #this proccese take some time -
sudo make altinstall
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python3 python3 /usr/local/bin/python3.9 12
download mavlink
- wget
- sudo python3
- pip3 --version --- check the version and if the pip install if it work - do install with the virtual enveirment
- python3 -m venv myenv
- source myenv/bin/activate
- pip install --upgrade pip
- deactivate
connect to the tinker board to the MavLink: dont tink that i need to move do "chmod" sudo --master=/dev/ttyS0
- model_1 - when the camera gave only x,y data - and the motor do the ai
- model_2 - when the camera do a - ai atself - model 3
- model_3 - two layer of ai o ne for the camera and one for the motor
need all the sensor gave the data at the smae time - so if the time not work together need to do some interpulation
- GPS - all dim --- for holybro micro m10: Up to 25 Hz (single GNSS), Up to 10 Hz (4 concurrent GNSS) for gep-m10: Up to 10 Hz
- the ardupilot set to publish this data at 50 hz -> need to check it
imu - euiler andle
compass -IST8310 Compass - 200Hz - i ask only for 10hz....
camera fps need to check -> make some node maby ??
baro altitude
motor telem the ardupilot pucligh it to 10 mhz -> need to check the actual speed
/// some thinking - maby make skript for every instrument to check the run time of him - and take the main
camera code at the first step lets do openc cv simple code with tracing algoritem - explanation about the code i need
i use # Enhancing the Lucas-Kanade parameters need to check it and determen if had onother optical flow camera for ros2
main mavros node
ros2 run mavros mavros_node --ros-args -p fcu_url:=/dev/ttyAMA0 -p gcs_url:=udp://@
i can call to the ros2 topic list and take the topic of the esc - maby its batter....
important ros2 command:
ssh -X drone@ -- publish the rqt to the main computer ros2 launch drone_project ros2 launch drone_project ros2 run v4l2_camera v4l2_camera_node --- run v4l node for the camera ros2 run rqt_image_view rqt_image_view --- important command to see the vedio from the camera
14.5 - this is the build for right now - witout the camera
problem: 2) run process on boot - need the help of someone 7) start the part of the tourch -> need to take advise from talhaim 8) find way to save all the data at proper way