Evaluating and Enhancing the Robustness of Code Pre-trained Models through Structure-Aware Adversarial Samples Generation
This is the repository of EMNLP 2023 paper Evaluating and Enhancing the Robustness of Code Pre-trained Modelsthrough Structure-Aware Adversarial Samples Generation.
We leverage the code structure to generate adversarial examples to attack code pre-trained models, and then enhance model robustness with adversarial training strategies by exploiting the structural information.
More details are provided in our EMNLP'23 paper and our paper.
conda create --name cat python=3.7
conda activate cat
pip install -r requirements.txt
git clone https://github.com/nchen909/CodePrompt
cd CodePrompt/evaluator/CodeBLEU/parser
bash build.sh
cd ../../../
cp evaluator/CodeBLEU/parser/my-languages.so build/
#make sure git-lfs installed like 'apt-get install git-lfs'
bash get_models.sh
for cuda11.0+,
pip install torch==1.7.0+cu110 torchvision==0.8.1+cu110 torchaudio===0.7.0 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
for torch geometric,
The dataset comes from CodeXGLUE.
mkdir data
cd data
pip install gdown
gdown https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1BBeHFlKoyanbxaqFJ6RRWlqpiokhDhY7
unzip data.zip
rm data.zip
Direct WORKDIR, HUGGINGFACE_LOCALS in run.sh, run_few_shot.sh to your path.
export MODEL_NAME=
export TASK=
export SUB_TASK=
# to run one task
# to run few shot
bash run_few_shot.sh $MODEL_NAME $TASK $SUB_TASK
# to run multi task
bash run_multi_task.sh
can be any one of ["roberta", "codebert", "graphcodebert", "unixcoder","t5","codet5","bart","plbart"]
can be any one of ['summarize', 'translate', 'refine', 'generate', 'defect', 'clone']
. (generate refers concode in codexglue, and we don't consider complete)
can be in picture below
Category | Dataset | Task | Sub_task(LANG) | Type | Category | Description |
C2C | BCB | clone | [] (java) | bi-directional | encoder | code summarization task onCodeSearchNet data with six PLs |
C2C | Devign | defect | [] (c) | bi-directional | encoder | text-to-code generation onConcode data |
C2C | CodeTrans | translate | ['java-cs', 'cs-java’] | end2end | en2de | code-to-code translation betweenJava and C# |
C2C | Bugs2Fix | refine(repair) | ['small','medium'] (java) | end2end | en2de | code refinement oncode repair data with small/medium functions |
C2T | CodeSN | summarize | ['java', 'python', 'javascript','php','ruby','go'] | end2end | en2de | code defect detection inC/C++ data |
T2C | CONCODE | generate(concode) | [] (java) | end2end | en2de | code clone detection inJava data |
For different methods of adversarial attacks, please refer to the /custom/attacks directory. All scripts can be found in the scripts directory.
Please consider citing us if you find this repository useful.👇
title={Evaluating and Enhancing the Robustness of Code Pre-trained Models through Structure-Aware Adversarial Samples Generation},
author={Chen, Nuo and Sun, Qiushi and Wang, Jianing and Gao, Ming and Li, Xiaoli and Li, Xiang},
booktitle = {EMNLP},