The goal of this project is to evaluate all known arthropod data as of May 2015 to see where our community has research ready data.
select count(*) from omoccurrences; just scan data = 3943069 records (prior to adding AEC and GBIf)
TODO: add a flag to the data for its origin
DONE: added dataSource column to table
TIME: 20 min for mysql to create new column or restore SCAN from source.
Downloading data from symbiota2.symbscan.occurrences table to upload on different server for merging with GBIF and AEC data
Renamed table to omo
#May 18 2015 created an import for AEC data to match new SCAN table structure
exporting all NA data from AEC
#May 20 2015 import into symbscan database AEC data using Load Data create GBIF database from occurrence.txt files