Release 3.5.1
New Release 3.5.1
Mostly upgrades and bugfixes, no big new features.
- bump to Neo4j v 3.5
- fixed getIndexInfo in v 3.5
- bump java driver version to v 1.7.5
- added readonly=true/false parameter to URL to make all connections read-only (for routing only!)
- resolved jackson databind CVE update
- Remove unsupported operation exception from driver, resultset, statement and connection (#199)
- Improve/Optimize the Driver management in pool (#178)
- Neo4jDatabaseMetaData#getIndexInfo should return the indexes of the label #198
- fixes #187: Make all DatabaseMetaData methods more lenient and not throw exceptions. (#192)
- fixes #187: Intellj Datasource browser Method supportsSavepoints in class org.neo4j.jdbc.Neo4jDatabaseMetaData is not yet implemented.
- Issue 188: Why neo4j-jdbc-http driver request two times - pre-emptive auth request (#191)
- fixes #179: BoltRoutingNeo4jDriver - Issue with Boolean Data type (#190)