When building a plugin the following guildelines need to be followed.
<Add a brief description regarding this plugin guide understanding.>
- List down all the prerequisites as bullet points.
Netskope CE version x, version y
Product name and version (If applicable)
< One-liner description for the plugin workflow>
Fetched indicator types | URL(Domains,URLs, IPv4, IPv6), SHA256, MD5 |
Shared indicator types | URL(Domains,URLs, IPv4, IPv6), SHA256, MD5 |
Add a one-liner description explaining the purpose/use of mapping
Netskope CE Severity | Third-Party Severity |
Field 1 | xyzfield1 |
Field 2 | xyzfield1 |
Netskope CE Fields | Third-Party field |
Field 1 | xyzfield1 |
Field 2 | xyzfield1 |
Netskope CE fields | Third-Party fields |
Field 1 | xyzfield1 |
Field 2 | xyzfield1 |
- Permission needed 1
- Permission needed 2
API Endpoint | Method | Use case |
API Endpoint | GET/POST | API purpose |
**Parameters: **(add in tabular format)
**API Endpoint: **<api endpoint>
**Method: **GET/POST
Parameters: if any
API Request Endpoint:
<api request>
Sample API Response:
Description mentioning how to refer to this performance matrix
Stack details | Size: Large
RAM: 32 GB CPU: 16 Cores |
Indicators fetched from third-party product | ~X per minute |
Indicators shared with third-party product | ~X per minute |
The user-agent added in this plugin is in the following format netskope-ce-<ce_version>-<module>-<plugin_name>-<plugin_version>
Briefly list all the points needed for the plugin. Check the CTE ThreatConnect plugin guide hosted on the Netskope docs for reference. https://docs.netskope.com/en/netskope-help/integrations-439794/netskope-cloud-exchange/threat-exchange-module/configure-3rd-party-threat-exchange-plugins/threatconnect-plugin-for-threat-exchange/
Follow the steps provided in the below document to configure the Netskope Tenant:
Follow the steps provided in the below document to configure the URL List on Netskope Tenant:
Follow the steps provided in the below document in order to configure the Netskope plugin on Cloud Exchange.
- Rename the title appropriately.
- Add steps instructing users on enabling some settings that are a prerequisite to configuring the plugin.
- Add necessary screenshots.
- Add detailed steps along with screenshots.
- Steps with proper Screenshots.
- Steps with proper Screenshots.
- Steps to verify pulling from Netskope CE with Screenshots.
- Provide screenshots of pulled data for all supported IOC types.
- Add Steps to verify the data pulled from a third-party platform.
- Steps to verify sharing/data ingestion with Screenshots from CE to Third Party.
- Provide screenshots of pushed data for all supported IOC types.
- Unable to pull data from Third-Party
- Unable to push data to Third-Party
- Point 3
- Point 1(if any)
- Point 2(if any)