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Basic Tutorial

박정환 edited this page May 12, 2019 · 5 revisions


Follow these 3steps to create image-editor.

1. Load required files

Load first the dependencies, and then load image-editor.js or image-editor.min.js.

<script src="libs/code-snippet.min.js"></script>
<script src="libs/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="libs/fabric.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/image-editor.js"></script>

2. HTML Markup

ImageEditor needs a division element having a canvas element.
And the division element must have own (css)height.

<!-- This division element needs the css height -->
<div id="my-image-editor" style="height: 800px">

3. Javascript

ImageEditor constructor needs two parameters.

  • The canvas element selector
  • Css max width & Css max height
    • Set the max width according to the size of your page.
    • The max height should be same the height of the division element (in this example, #my-image-editor).
// Create image editor
var imageEditor = new tui.ImageEditor('#my-image-editor canvas', {
    cssMaxWidth: 1000, // Component default value: 1000
    cssMaxHeight: 800  // Component default value: 800

// Load image
imageEditor.loadImageFromURL('img/sampleImage.jpg', 'My sample image')


See the API page and the sample page