Expedite marketing and transactional HTML email development with the help of Gulp, SASS, HAML, Inline CSS and Litmus for cross-app and cross-browser testing
Typically any email that is triggered by or sent automatically from your application.
- Welcome emails
- Actionable emails
- Password resets
- Receipts
- Monthly invoices
- Support requests
- App error alerts
- Reminders
- etc.
- Make sure you have at least Node 4.3 installed by running
node --version
- Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/nsarafa/HTMail.git
- Change directory into it
cd your/path/to/HTMail
Install all the things
npm install
Compile HAML to HTML
gulp haml
Compile SASS to CSS
gulp sass
Inline your CSS, as well as compile your SASS to CSS
gulp inline
Compile your HAML, SCSS while Inlining the compiled CSS into your HTML in real time
gulp watch
- After you have compiled your email, run
gulp test
- Open Litmus email dashboard
- Click on your email
- If you don't have Litmus account please see Litmus Test Setup below and set up your account
- Open
- Find the Litmus configuration and update the configuration with your litmus username, password, organization's litmus URL
- Next, choose email clients to test email against by..
- List of available email test clients can be found here - https://.litmus.com/emails/clients.xml
- After you pick the clients you want to test, copy their <application_code>, open gulpfile.js and add your chose <application_code> to the litmus config applications array
- Save gulpfile.js and run
gulp test
- See your email test results on your litmus account' checklist here
- Explore alternatives to Litmus for cross-app and cross-browser email testing as Litmus is very expensive
- Re-write
gulp compile
function with gulp-css-inline and test deployment included - Integrate documentation markdown tool for inline documentation that outputs to wiki
- Integrate global SASS variable file for easy to implement brand specific styles
- Expand module sets
- Integrate BrowserSync
- Consolidate gulp functions
- Introduce Outlook specific styles (Reference)
- Introduce Style reset (Reference)
- Add example email template(s)