Using BioPython to parse a GFF, VCF and a genome fasta file to categorize SNPs as non-coding, synonymous and non-synonymous
Requirements(libraries): logging, argparse, os, gffutils, vcf, math, Bio.Seq, matplotlib.
The script must be run through a terminal or command prompt as it accepts 3 arguments using a command line interface, and all three are mandatory. It requires a vcf file to be provided using the --vcf named argument, a gff file using --gff and a fasta file using the --fasta argument.
An example of how the script can be run is: python3 --vcf assessmentData.vcf.gz --gffPlasmoDB-54_Pfalciparum3D7.gff --fasta PlasmoDB-54_Pfalciparum3D7_Genome.fasta
What the code does:
- For each SNP in the VCF file, it checks if it lies inside a coding region. This is done by extracting all CDS that lies nearby and checking if the SNP is completely enveloped in it.
- If it doesn't lie in one, it marks it as non-coding.
- If it is, it translates the protein that is made by that gene originally and the new protein that occurs due to the SNP.
- The two proteins are compared and if they are identical, it is marked as synonymous.
- If not, it is marked as non-synonymous.
- Outputs a file with these columns for each SNP in the VCF Chromsome,Position,Ref,Alt,Type(non-coding, synonymous or non-synonymous),Transcript,Ref AA,Alt AA