statlab is a new Python package offering a variety of statistical and machine learning tools.
This package is being developed by Noam Rotenberg and Zan Chaudhry.
Submodule contains:
- TreeOrdinalClassifier
- SubtractionOrdinalClassifier
- Functions to calculate classification metrics on ordinal data
Submodule developed by: Noam Rotenberg, Andreia Faria, Brian Caffo
Examples coming soon!
Install: !pip install statlab
Import a single module: import statlab.ord
- imports only ord
Import all modules: from statlab.all import *
- can access any function without prefixes, e.g., TreeOrdinalClassifier(base_clf)
Specific example:
!pip install statlab
import statlab.ord
base_clf = # some sklearn-style classifier
clf = statlab.ord.TreeOrdinalClassifier(base_clf)
- Dataset mislabeling detection and classification
- Naive Bayes classifier using nonparametric statistics
- Automated nonlinear feature tuning