A codegen tool to generate gorm versiond migration code, you can create a gorm migration with gorm-migrate client, and you can use the migration code by import it.
go build gorm-migrate.go
To install the library and command line program, use the following:
GO111MODULE=off; go get -u github.com/nonetheless/gorm-migrate/...
You can easily use this tool to create your gorm migration
The migrate generator for Gorm.
gmigrate [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
migrate create a new version
stamp check test_migration version relation
-c, --configFile string gorm migrate config (default "configFile")
-d, --dirName string gorm migrate new version root dir path (default "dirName")
-h, --help help for gmigrate
-p, --packageName string your project test_migration package name packageName (default "packageName")
# you can create migration with this cmd
gorm-migrate migrate -d $DIR -p $PACKAGENAME
# you can check the migration with this cmd
gorm-migrate stamp -d $DIR
[INFO] Stamp test_migration version:
[INFO] ---------> xlq9lndwjv9j
[INFO] xlq9lndwjv9j ---------> phma9g1znhpm
[INFO] phma9g1znhpm ---------> p1buif9wgmig
[INFO] p1buif9wgmig ---------> v3c06skwrur9
With the tool you can get the code template:
func run(db *gorm.DB) error {
//TODO add version update sql
return nil
func rollBack(db *gorm.DB) error {
//TODO add version rollback function
return nil
You must write your own migration function with gorm.DB
You can use your migration code with import code, it's a upgrade database example:
pacakge main
// main.go
import (
_ "github.com/jinzhu/gorm/dialects/mysql"
//this is your own migration pacakge
migration "github.com/nonetheless/gorm-migrate/pkg/migrate"
func main(){
db, err := gorm.Open("mysql", "root:root@tcp(")
if err != nil {
defer db.Close()
update, err:= migration.CreateMigration(db)
err = update.Upgrade(migrate.WithCmdOut(log))
if err != nil {
Build binary client:
go build gorm-migrate.go
Test asset, upgrade and downgrade function
go test ./...
This project use go-bindata to store template, when you change template you must run :
go-bindata -o asset/asset.go -pkg=asset template/...