- You must install Drivers for use OpenGL 4.0 (open source libMesa
only surpport OpenGL 3.2 at this moment), try to install owner's drivers,
then install packages followings
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wget clang++ glee-dev \
libglew-dev libsdl2-dev libsdl2-gfx-dev libsdl2-image-dev \
libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev freeglut3-dev libsdl1.2-dev
- brew update && brew install wget sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf
How to add man game manuel to manpath.
git clone https://github.com/noxsnono/Bomberman_42.git bomberman
export MANPATH=$(manpath):bomberman/man
Key | Joystick | Keyboard1 | Keyboard2 |
UP | UP | W | 8 |
DOWN | DOWN | S | 5 |
LEFT | LEFT | A | 4 |
RIGHT | RIGHT | D | 6 |
Bomb normal | Button 3 | C | + |
Bomb remote | Button 2 | V | - |
Activate remote bombs | Button 1 | B | * |
-gen (generate random map solo/coop/multi/arena)
-particle (add particles, SEGFAULT detected be carefull)
-arcade (can't exist game from joystick, only from 'echap' key)
-log (log events on log/debugg.log)
-kamikaze (IA becomes kmikaze)
- Une fois une partie campaing lance, revenir au menu principal et appuyer sur '1' pour passer au niveau suivant
- Au lancement du jeux, au menu principal (sans partie en cours) appuyer sur '2' pour lancer la maps tests/test1.ntm
- Une fois une partie lancer en Multi, revenir au menu et appuyer sur '3' pour activer toutes les bombes, puissance max, et remote bomb illimtite
- InGame MULTI or ARENA push 'n' to launch map_event_1
- InGame MULTI or ARENA push '2' to launch map_event_2
Whois @42born2code | Jobs |
rcargou | 3D OpenGL Engineer, 3D Assets, Textures |
vjacquie | Game Logic, Game Design, Input Engineer |
adjivas | IA Engineer, Docs writer 'man' |
nmohamed [email protected] twitter@naki_md | Sound Design, Input Engineer |
jmoiroux [email protected] twitter@jjmoiroux | Project Manager, OS Compatibility, Level Design, Game Design, Textures |