index.php : first file read by WP. Controls the inclusion of other files. It includes each index_subplugin.php of other folders.
cpt.php : Include all cpts. CPT will be singular name.
taconomies.php : Include all taxonomies.
Test >
- test_index.php : create a test menu on the left to test codes. Very usefull in dev.
- test.js : use to make js test.
- test.css : use to make css test.
SuperAdmin >
- index_superadmin.php : include others files of SuperAdmin,
- initial_plugin.php : create options "activated_plugins", "activated_acf_on_back","activated_site_options_list" and fill them with default values.
- activated_plugins.php :
- Add Menu : 'RbW plugins'.
- Update the option "activated_plugins" The option 'activated_plugins' is an array with value the same string as the buttons WITHOUT spaces.
- Load the 'activated_button_js.js' ajax script for saving the option.
- functions_superadmin.php : create functions that can be used in all others files (eg. get_cpt, on_off_button)
- show_ACF_back.php : handle which acf will be displayed. Of course ACF have to be loaded first !
⚠️ :Warning: Change ACF-json Load endpoint ! - show_ACF_options.php : handle which acf-options (ie site-options) will be displayed. Of course ACF options have to be loaded first ! (ACF plugin is required)
- Functionalities >
- ACF_to_WP_title.php : Modify the wordpress title according to the appropriate ACF .
- add_post_to_front_menu.php : fill automatically menus with posts. It creates a new cpt "custom_menu", each post is to include all posts of a CPT inside a submenu.
- customiation_acf.php : Fill some acf choices with default values, handle autofill of some ACF...
- cleaning_dashboard.php : // 1 - Remove separator // 2 - Remove not necessary in wp_admin_bar // 3 - Remove not necessary in menu // 4 - Remove WP update // 5 - Remove warnings // 6 - Change the howdy menu // 7 - Remove publish meta box // 8 - Dashboard page customisation // 9 - change media name // 10- Create option pages for every CPT
- role.php : Delete WP role. Create RbW roles. Create the option "hide_show_menu" for deciding which menu sees each role. Cleaning_dashboard and Role work together.
- multilingue.php : handle multilingue site, create a Session variable.
- token.php : create and handle tokens.
publications >
index_publications.php :
- Load CPT - from the cpt.php file in the root folder
- Load the taxonomies
- Insert the submenus for the plugins (Arxiv, Pubmed, ORCID, HAL, Zotero)
- Specific update when one register a publication (eg put commas between authors)
- Handle the CSS for the publications plugins (namely the look of the tables)
menus_plugins_pub.php : insert the submenu for each subplugin (:Warning: Is it a good idea to create a specific file for that, or should it be included in each subplugin ?)
register_publications.php : handle specific function when register a publication (eg. separate each authors by commas).
arxiv > *
bibtex >
- export.php : Export publications to bibtex format Ugly presentation
orcid > *
pubmed > *
zotero > *
hal > *
members >
- index_members.php : include other files .
- member_add_info.php : create the front page for members to modify their data.
- member_csv.php : plugin to include member via CSV.
- member_mail.php : send email to member.
- members_save_post.php : actualize data when updating member data.
post-types-order > // Not my plugin. Allow moving rows in CPT table list.
- Include bibtex script for ORCID.
- Fixing insert table in database (include #myTable in tthe counter for checkbox)
- Fixing HAL plugin, var 'i' instead of 'ID'
- Create the Send email (admin) page (member_mail.php)
- Contact us, now send email to [email protected] (cleaning_dashboard.php)
- Remove member_send_email for loggued member (member_add_info.php)
- Change admin menu order (cleaning_dashboard.php)
- Create page for common pub, common job, common news.
- debugging : adding bibtex js script in orcid plugin
- debugging : arxiv plugin, see more, years were not shown.
- debugging : adding ajax-call scripts with nopriv parameter.
- adding "rb-" prefix to css classes.
- debugging ACF_to_WP_title
- ACF member status tax update with new status.
- member_status_tax menu shown only for admin.
- Load ACF from the plugin