Inspired by esp_ghota by Fishwaldo
Brings same functionality to Arduino platform
- Create github repository and clone it locally (root_dir)
- Download this repository by pressing Code -> Download ZIP and install it via Arduino IDE (Sketch -> Include Library -> Add .Zip Library)
- Open one of the examples provided with this library and save it to the newly cloned directory
- Replace VERSION (line 7) and RELEASE_URL (line 11) with your values
- Additionally clone following files from this repo as Arduino does not do it for us
- platformio.ini
- .gitignore
- .github (this folder contains GitHub Actions that will create releases of your OTA firmware)
- Commit and push all staged files (run 'git add -am "First commit" && git push' from terminal from root_dir (see step 1))
- Github actions will trigger automatically to check for any errors in the code, but no release will be created yet
- When you are happy with your code create git tag by runnig 'git tag v0.0.1' for version 0.0.1
- Push your tag with 'git push origin v0.0.1', this will trigger Release creation
- Update DELAY_MS (line 13) to 100 and VERSION (line 7) to 0.0.2
- Repeat steps 5-8 to create new release and wait for your microcontroller to pick it up
- Led should toggle much faster 🚨
This library is under development and may not work every time.
Feel free to open Issues or create Pull requests :)