A very simple WordPress theme that has no styling. Only WordPress tags. Code & comments are from the WordPress Codex.
- You as a seasoned and educated front-end web developer who codes semantic and well-formed HTML and CSS.
- You are familiar with the following:
- Normalize CSS
- HTML5 Shim/Shiv
- HTML Boilerplate
- Modernizr
- You want complete control, or as best as you can have control over the formatting and layout of your HTML and CSS.
- You can cut, copy, and paste lines of code from places on the internet and your own stored files.
- You need a solid starting point for learning and exploring WordPress theme development.
- You don't want to buy and/or rely on another entity to update a theme.
- You have previous experience with other content management systems such as ExpressionEngine, Craft, Statamic, Joomla, Drupal (all of these mentioned are PHP based).
- You have no experience/desire to learn PHP.
- You have a working familarity with WordPress such as:
- Configuring WordPress with out the need to touch core files (with exception to the wp-config.php file) or your theme's functions.php file.
- WordPress Settings.
- Installing WordPress plugins.
- Configuring installed WordPress plugins.
- WordPress native Post types.
- WordPress native Menu feature.
- WordPress native Widget feature.
- You like seeing what other WordPress theme developers are doing.
This theme has no HTML tags. It generates only what WordPress naturally has built in. In other words, there are no div, h1, p, ul/ol tags inside the template files.
What is rendered in the HTML (check out View Source in your browser) is produced by WordPress.
We (because it is open-sourced and can be forked on Github and built upon by the community) have done our best to be a well documented as possible without overloading your ability to read, investigate, troubleshoot issues/bugs or expand/adapt/modify the theme on your own accord.
Most, if not all, of the code for this theme came from the WordPress Codex and from the WordPress TwentyTwelve and TwentyThirteen themes.
This theme's functions.php file only has the opening PHP tag and commented-out information about file.
Each theme file has a PHP tag that has commented-out information about what the file does and where to first look about information on the file and its use.