Web component to create a responsive horizontal menu. In narrow screens, the items that don't fit in the menu are moved to a dropdown list.
- No dependencies
- Light: Less than 200 lines of code (including comments and spaces)
- Follow the progressive enhancement strategy. If the JavaScript fails, the links are visible.
- No styles or themes are provided with this package. Just the basic styles.
- Build with modern javascript, using ES6 modules and custom elements
- Live demo: https://oom-components.github.io/horizontal-menu/demo
Create the menu with the following HTML code:
<a href="#1">Link 1</a>
<a href="#2">Link 2</a>
<a href="#3">Link 3</a>
<a href="#4">Link 4</a>
<a href="#5">Link 5</a>
Register the custom element to make it responsive:
import Menu from "horizontal-menu/src/menu.js";
// Define the custom element
customElements.define("my-menu", Menu);
Use CSS to customize your menu. This web component uses a shadow dom and parts to customize the internal elements. The internal tree is (removed some attributes for clarity):
<div part="menu">
<div part="links">
<!-- Horizontal links -->
<div part="dropdown">
<button part="dropdown-button">
<!-- Button to show/hide the hidden links -->
<div part="dropdown-links">
<!-- Hidden links -->
my-menu {
/* Generic styles */
display: flex;
a {
white-space: nowrap;
&::part(menu) {
/* Main container */
&::part(links) {
/* Horizontal links */
&::part(dropdown) {
/* Dropdown container */
&::part(dropdown-button) {
/* Button to show/hide the dropdown */
&::part(dropdown-links) {
/* Dropdown links */