Scrapes "Data" and saves into SQLITE. Can also export into CSV, JSON and DBF
Fork the project and use it
pip install -r requirements
You will have to edit export.yaml for the correct tables which you want to export
datafreeze export.yaml
Depends on csv files created above so first created them. You will have to edit for the correct csv and column names
Thejesh GN [email protected]
Fingerprint: C7D4 1911 9893 ADAF 27B0 FCAA BFFC 8DD3 C06D D6B0
Thejesh GN |
i-at-thejeshgn-com GPG ID : 0xBFFC8DD3C06DD6B0 |
Data Scraper IMD data scrapes reservoir data and saves into SQLITE. Can also export into CSV, JSON, DBF
Copyright (C) 2014 Thejesh GN [email protected]
Data is under ODC Open Database License (ODbL)
Data is under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3