Push to prod: Xoriant partner, youtube embed in blog, ml commons event. #2707
reviewdog [vale] report
reported by reviewdog 🐶
Findings (0)
Filtered Findings (2679)
_posts/2024-03-15-customer-experience-outcomes.md|36 col 426| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Hoc. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-10-26-OpenSearch-Project-voice-and-tone.md|36 col 199| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: agentless. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-10-26-OpenSearch-Project-voice-and-tone.md|59 col 801| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: lede. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-12-12-announcing-opensearch-project-leadership-committee.md|28 col 715| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Anandhi. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-12-12-announcing-opensearch-project-leadership-committee.md|28 col 780| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Freedain. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-12-12-announcing-opensearch-project-leadership-committee.md|28 col 806| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Henkle. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-12-12-announcing-opensearch-project-leadership-committee.md|28 col 850| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Ingersoll. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-12-12-announcing-opensearch-project-leadership-committee.md|28 col 918| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Kowall. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-12-12-announcing-opensearch-project-leadership-committee.md|28 col 968| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Andriy. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-12-12-announcing-opensearch-project-leadership-committee.md|28 col 975| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Redko. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-12-12-announcing-opensearch-project-leadership-committee.md|28 col 990| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Nithya. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-12-12-announcing-opensearch-project-leadership-committee.md|28 col 1029| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Mehul. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-12-12-announcing-opensearch-project-leadership-committee.md|28 col 1058| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Amitai. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-02-07-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.1.0.md|90 col 126| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Random Cut Forest' instead of 'random cut forest'.
_posts/2023-02-07-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.1.0.md|200 col 28| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'ingest pipeline' instead of 'ingestion pipeline'.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|32 col 159| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'indexes' instead of 'indices'.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|33 col 60| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'example, the'.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|57 col 221| [OpenSearch.LatinismsSubstitution] Use 'for example or such as' instead of 'e.g.'.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|57 col 221| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'e.g'.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|57 col 262| [OpenSearch.LatinismsElimination] Using 'etc.' is unnecessary. Remove.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|63 col 202| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'indexes' instead of 'indices'.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|69 col 260| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: securityadmin. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|73 col 3| [OpenSearch.SpacingSlash] When using '/' between words, do not insert space on either side of it.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|76 col 3| [OpenSearch.SpacingSlash] When using '/' between words, do not insert space on either side of it.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|82 col 233| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: securityadmin. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|89 col 3| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'indexes' instead of 'Indices'.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|92 col 59| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'indexes' instead of 'indices'.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|92 col 206| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: msearch. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|94 col 123| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'indexes' instead of 'indices'.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|94 col 145| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: logstash. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|94 col 145| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Logstash' instead of 'logstash'.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|106 col 35| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'predefined' instead of 'pre-defined'.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|106 col 92| [OpenSearch.LatinismsElimination] Using 'etc.' is unnecessary. Remove.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|110 col 199| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: securityadmin. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|116 col 117| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: securityadmin. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|126 col 13| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: myuser. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|143 col 39| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'devops,ou'.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|143 col 49| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'it,dc'.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|143 col 55| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'example,dc'.
_posts/2021-10-11-opensearch-security-concepts.markdown|155 col 46| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Elitra. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-05-18-call-for-presentations-bring-your-ideas-to-opensearchcon-2023.md|26 col 14| [Vale.Terms] Use 'OpenSearchCon' instead of 'opensearchcon'.
_posts/2022-09-26-opensearch-playground.md|13 col 324| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'playground.opensearch'.
_posts/2022-09-26-opensearch-playground.md|13 col 335| [Vale.Terms] Use 'OpenSearch' instead of 'opensearch'.
_posts/2022-09-26-opensearch-playground.md|29 col 168| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Helm' instead of 'helm'.
_posts/2022-09-26-opensearch-playground.md|29 col 200| [Vale.Terms] Use 'OpenSearch' instead of 'opensearch'.
_posts/2022-09-26-opensearch-playground.md|29 col 266| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'playground.opensearch'.
_posts/2022-09-26-opensearch-playground.md|29 col 346| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Fluent Bit' instead of 'fluent bit'.
_posts/2022-09-26-opensearch-playground.md|41 col 62| [OpenSearch.LatinismsSubstitution] Use 'using, through, by accessing, or by choosing' instead of 'via'.
_posts/2022-02-10-getting-started-with-fluentd-and-opensearch.md|27 col 57| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'E.g'.
_posts/2022-02-10-getting-started-with-fluentd-and-opensearch.md|43 col 160| [Vale.Terms] Use 'GitHub' instead of 'github'.
_posts/2022-02-10-getting-started-with-fluentd-and-opensearch.md|43 col 192| [Vale.Terms] Use 'OpenSearch' instead of 'opensearch'.
_posts/2022-09-27-whatsnew-custom-geo-json.md|41 col 46| [Vale.Terms] Use 'GeoJSON' instead of 'geojson'.
_posts/2022-09-27-whatsnew-custom-geo-json.md|55 col 103| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: iso. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-09-27-whatsnew-custom-geo-json.md|60 col 161| [Vale.Terms] Use 'JSON' instead of 'json'.
_posts/2023-06-08-opensearch-project-newsletter-volume1-issue4.md|16 col 349| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Juric. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-06-08-opensearch-project-newsletter-volume1-issue4.md|18 col 3| [Vale.Terms] Use 'OpenSearch' instead of 'opensearch'.
_posts/2023-06-08-opensearch-project-newsletter-volume1-issue4.md|34 col 592| [Vale.Repetition] 'or' is repeated!
_posts/2023-06-08-opensearch-project-newsletter-volume1-issue4.md|40 col 15| [OpenSearch.LatinismsSubstitution] Use 'compared to or compared with' instead of 'vs'.
_posts/2023-06-08-opensearch-project-newsletter-volume1-issue4.md|58 col 9| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: tags_on_timeout. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-06-08-opensearch-project-newsletter-volume1-issue4.md|59 col 12| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Lodash. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-06-08-opensearch-project-newsletter-volume1-issue4.md|64 col 39| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: pipenv. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-06-08-opensearch-project-newsletter-volume1-issue4.md|80 col 94| [OpenSearch.LatinismsSubstitution] Use 'one-time' instead of 'ad hoc'.
_posts/2023-06-08-opensearch-project-newsletter-volume1-issue4.md|80 col 97| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: hoc. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-05-03-release-candidate-2-0-available.md|14 col 352| [OpenSearch.DashSpacing] There should be no spaces around the dash in 'be -- so'.
_posts/2021-06-03-my-first-steps-in-opensearch-plugins.markdown|17 col 274| [OpenSearch.LatinismsSubstitution] Use 'using, through, by accessing, or by choosing' instead of 'via'.
_posts/2021-06-03-my-first-steps-in-opensearch-plugins.markdown|17 col 339| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'M.C'.
_posts/2021-06-03-my-first-steps-in-opensearch-plugins.markdown|60 col 424| [OpenSearch.LatinismsSubstitution] Use 'using, through, by accessing, or by choosing' instead of 'via'.
_posts/2021-06-03-my-first-steps-in-opensearch-plugins.markdown|60 col 434| [OpenSearch.DashSpacing] There should be no spaces around the dash in 'connections -- this'.
_posts/2021-06-03-my-first-steps-in-opensearch-plugins.markdown|62 col 267| [OpenSearch.LatinismsSubstitution] Use 'using, through, by accessing, or by choosing' instead of 'via'.
_posts/2021-06-03-my-first-steps-in-opensearch-plugins.markdown|74 col 181| [OpenSearch.DashSpacing] There should be no spaces around the dash in 'design -- ensuring'.
_posts/2021-06-03-my-first-steps-in-opensearch-plugins.markdown|83 col 76| [OpenSearch.DashSpacing] There should be no spaces around the dash in 'project -- it'.
_posts/2021-06-03-my-first-steps-in-opensearch-plugins.markdown|87 col 157| [OpenSearch.DashSpacing] There should be no spaces around the dash in 'plugin -- a'.
_posts/2021-06-03-my-first-steps-in-opensearch-plugins.markdown|87 col 249| [OpenSearch.LatinismsSubstitution] Use 'using, through, by accessing, or by choosing' instead of 'via'.
_posts/2021-06-03-my-first-steps-in-opensearch-plugins.markdown|113 col 30| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Gradle' instead of 'gradle'.
_posts/2021-06-03-my-first-steps-in-opensearch-plugins.markdown|113 col 45| [OpenSearch.AdverbsOfTime] Don't use a comma after single-word adverbs of time at the beginning of a sentence in ' Then,'.
_posts/2021-06-03-my-first-steps-in-opensearch-plugins.markdown|168 col 64| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Gradle' instead of 'gradle'.
_posts/2021-06-03-my-first-steps-in-opensearch-plugins.markdown|291 col 56| [OpenSearch.LatinismsSubstitution] Use 'that is or specifically' instead of 'i.e.'.
_posts/2021-06-03-my-first-steps-in-opensearch-plugins.markdown|291 col 56| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'i.e'.
_posts/2021-06-03-my-first-steps-in-opensearch-plugins.markdown|305 col 54| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'indexes' instead of 'indices'.
_posts/2021-06-03-my-first-steps-in-opensearch-plugins.markdown|375 col 74| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: async. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-06-03-my-first-steps-in-opensearch-plugins.markdown|375 col 133| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: tcp. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-06-03-my-first-steps-in-opensearch-plugins.markdown|375 col 178| [OpenSearch.LatinismsSubstitution] Use 'using, through, by accessing, or by choosing' instead of 'via'.
_posts/2021-06-03-my-first-steps-in-opensearch-plugins.markdown|403 col 110| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: api. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-06-03-my-first-steps-in-opensearch-plugins.markdown|616 col 24| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Sarat. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-06-03-my-first-steps-in-opensearch-plugins.markdown|616 col 30| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Vemulapalli. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-06-03-my-first-steps-in-opensearch-plugins.markdown|619 col 29| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Amitai. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-03-13-newsletter.md|21 col 19| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Leaderboard. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-03-13-newsletter.md|22 col 32| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: leaderboard. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-03-13-newsletter.md|22 col 101| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Freedain. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-03-13-newsletter.md|30 col 16| [OpenSearch.LatinismsSubstitution] Use 'compared to or compared with' instead of 'vs.'.
_posts/2023-03-13-newsletter.md|34 col 1| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Adnan. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-03-13-newsletter.md|34 col 105| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: opensource. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-03-13-newsletter.md|37 col 23| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Nalley. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-03-13-newsletter.md|40 col 45| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: serverful. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-03-13-newsletter.md|40 col 200| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Yan. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-03-13-newsletter.md|59 col 76| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Freedain. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-03-13-newsletter.md|59 col 223| [OpenSearch.SetupVerb] Use 'set up' as a verb instead of 'setup'.
_posts/2023-03-13-newsletter.md|62 col 39| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Tippett. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-03-13-newsletter.md|65 col 273| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Freedain. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-09-12-standalone-components-release-process.md|81 col 31| [Vale.Terms] Use 'GitHub' instead of 'github'.
_posts/2023-09-12-standalone-components-release-process.md|82 col 58| [Vale.Terms] Use 'GitHub' instead of 'github'.
_posts/2023-09-12-standalone-components-release-process.md|83 col 39| [Vale.Terms] Use 'GitHub' instead of 'github'.
_posts/2024-02-29-announcing-opensearchcon-europe-2024.md|18 col 165| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: unconference. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2024-02-29-announcing-opensearchcon-europe-2024.md|24 col 121| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Moskau. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2024-02-29-announcing-opensearchcon-europe-2024.md|48 col 129| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Schwarz. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-11-08-thudtest.md|44 col 73| [OpenSearch.SpacingWords] There should be once space between words in 'for Dashboards'.
_posts/2022-06-07-opensearch-2-0-clients-released.md|19 col 198| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Vacha. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-06-07-opensearch-2-0-clients-released.md|19 col 389| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Vacha. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-06-07-opensearch-2-0-clients-released.md|21 col 125| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Vacha. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-06-07-opensearch-2-0-clients-released.md|21 col 146| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Sayakci. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-06-07-opensearch-2-0-clients-released.md|23 col 45| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Sayakci. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-06-07-opensearch-2-0-clients-released.md|23 col 70| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Farr. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-06-07-opensearch-2-0-clients-released.md|23 col 115| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Anan. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-06-07-opensearch-2-0-clients-released.md|23 col 120| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Zhuang. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-06-07-opensearch-2-0-clients-released.md|23 col 226| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Sarat. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-06-07-opensearch-2-0-clients-released.md|23 col 232| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Vemulapalli. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-06-07-opensearch-2-0-clients-released.md|23 col 245| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Vijayan. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-06-07-opensearch-2-0-clients-released.md|23 col 253| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Balasubramanian. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-06-07-opensearch-2-0-clients-released.md|40 col 177| [Vale.Terms] Use 'GitHub' instead of 'Github'.
_posts/2021-12-11-update-to-1-2-1.markdown|25 col 408| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: reproduceable. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-02-25-roadmap-proposal.md|28 col 288| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Endian. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-02-25-roadmap-proposal.md|31 col 189| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'release. Having'.
_posts/2022-02-25-roadmap-proposal.md|37 col 100| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'calendar. If'.
_posts/2022-02-25-roadmap-proposal.md|39 col 11| [OpenSearch.TableHeadings] 'Feature Freeze' is a table heading and should be in sentence case.
_posts/2022-02-25-roadmap-proposal.md|39 col 27| [OpenSearch.TableHeadings] 'Release Date' is a table heading and should be in sentence case.
_posts/2022-02-25-roadmap-proposal.md|65 col 326| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'early. I'.
_posts/2022-02-25-roadmap-proposal.md|73 col 241| [OpenSearch.SubstitutionsError] Use 'k-NN' instead of 'KNN'.
_posts/2022-02-25-roadmap-proposal.md|77 col 369| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: sandboxing. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-02-25-roadmap-proposal.md|81 col 102| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Log4j' instead of 'log4j'.
_posts/2022-02-25-roadmap-proposal.md|81 col 249| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'made. If'.
_posts/2022-02-25-roadmap-proposal.md|87 col 42| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'sense? What'.
_posts/2022-02-25-roadmap-proposal.md|89 col 54| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'you? What'.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|60 col 95| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Elasticsearch' instead of 'ElasticSearch'.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|73 col 45| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Adi. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|73 col 49| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Suresh. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|74 col 4| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: asifsmohammed. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|74 col 55| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Asif. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|74 col 60| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Sohail. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|74 col 67| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Mohammed. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|76 col 4| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: daixba. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|76 col 41| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Aiden. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|76 col 47| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Dai. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|77 col 4| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: dinujoh. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|77 col 43| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Dinu. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|78 col 4| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: dlvenable. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|78 col 53| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Venable. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|79 col 4| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: engechas. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|79 col 51| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Engelbrecht. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|81 col 4| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: hshardeesi. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|81 col 49| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Hardeep. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|83 col 4| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: kkondaka. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|83 col 53| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Kondaka. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|85 col 4| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: oeyh. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|85 col 37| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Hai. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|85 col 41| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Yan. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|86 col 51| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Kvasnytskyi. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|87 col 4| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: reta. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|87 col 37| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Andriy. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2023-11-27-Announcing-Data-Prepper-2.6.0.md|87 col 44| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Redko. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-07-13-whatsnew-document-level-monitors.md|22 col 243| [OpenSearch.LatinismsSubstitution] Use 'for example or such as' instead of 'e.g.,'.
_posts/2022-07-13-whatsnew-document-level-monitors.md|22 col 243| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'e.g'.
_posts/2022-07-13-whatsnew-document-level-monitors.md|23 col 73| [OpenSearch.LatinismsSubstitution] Use 'for example or such as' instead of 'e.g.,'.
_posts/2022-07-13-whatsnew-document-level-monitors.md|23 col 73| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'e.g'.
_posts/2022-07-13-whatsnew-document-level-monitors.md|23 col 135| [OpenSearch.LatinismsSubstitution] Use 'for example or such as' instead of 'e.g.,'.
_posts/2022-07-13-whatsnew-document-level-monitors.md|23 col 135| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'e.g'.
_posts/2022-07-13-whatsnew-document-level-monitors.md|23 col 331| [OpenSearch.SpacingWords] There should be once space between words in 'monitors use'.
_posts/2022-07-13-whatsnew-document-level-monitors.md|23 col 545| [OpenSearch.LatinismsSubstitution] Use 'for example or such as' instead of 'e.g.,'.
_posts/2022-07-13-whatsnew-document-level-monitors.md|23 col 545| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'e.g'.
_posts/2022-07-13-whatsnew-document-level-monitors.md|35 col 528| [Vale.Terms] Use 'GitHub' instead of 'Github'.
_posts/2022-07-13-whatsnew-document-level-monitors.md|37 col 260| [Vale.Terms] Use 'GitHub' instead of 'Github'.
_posts/2022-10-03-hacktoberfest-2022.md|57 col 447| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Hacktoberfest' instead of 'hacktoberfest'.
_posts/2022-10-03-hacktoberfest-2022.md|59 col 300| [Vale.Terms] Use 'Hacktoberfest' instead of 'hacktoberfest'.
_posts/2022-10-03-hacktoberfest-2022.md|61 col 3| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Leaderboard. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-10-14-partner-highlight-aiven.md|17 col 156| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Andriy. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-10-14-partner-highlight-aiven.md|17 col 314| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Aleksei. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2021-10-14-partner-highlight-aiven.md|19 col 471| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Olena. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-08-25-day-in-the-life-of-a-release-manager.md|14 col 22| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: gif. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-08-25-day-in-the-life-of-a-release-manager.md|14 col 205| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Katniss. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-08-25-day-in-the-life-of-a-release-manager.md|14 col 255| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: gif. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-08-25-day-in-the-life-of-a-release-manager.md|14 col 780| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: gif. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-08-25-day-in-the-life-of-a-release-manager.md|42 col 161| [Vale.Terms] Use 'GitHub' instead of 'github'.
_posts/2022-06-06-wtit.markdown|15 col 540| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'Cloud.Red'.
_posts/2022-06-06-wtit.markdown|19 col 1| [OpenSearch.DashSpacing] There should be no spaces around the dash in 'program -- our'.
_posts/2022-06-06-wtit.markdown|21 col 113| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'Cloud.Red'.
_posts/2022-06-06-wtit.markdown|21 col 492| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'Cloud.Red'.
_posts/2022-06-06-wtit.markdown|21 col 555| [OpenSearch.DashSpacing] There should be no spaces around the dash in 'more -- making'.
_posts/2022-06-06-wtit.markdown|25 col 41| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'Cloud.Red'.
_posts/2022-06-06-wtit.markdown|27 col 68| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'Cloud.Red'.
_posts/2022-11-09-OpenSearch-Partner-Highlight-Using-Cloaked-Search.md|66 col 82| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: unbypassable. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-11-09-OpenSearch-Partner-Highlight-Using-Cloaked-Search.md|76 col 83| [OpenSearch.SpacingPunctuation] There should be no space before and one space after the punctuation mark in 'data. If'.
_posts/2022-03-28-opensearch-java-runtime.markdown|18 col 166| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Temurin. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
_posts/2022-03-28-opensearch-java-runtime.markdown|23 col 141| [OpenSearch.Spelling] Error: Temurin. If you are referencing a setting, variable, format, function, or repository, surround it with tic marks.
... (Too many findings. Dropped some findings)