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Massive Video Panoptic dataset (MVPd)

This repository hosts the code used for creating and processing the Massive Video Panoptic dataset (MVPd).


Cloning Source

git clone -b main --recurse-submodules [email protected]:opipari/MVPd.git

Downloading Dataset

All MVPd data can be downloaded from the following dropbox link.

The MVPd dataset is split into train/val/test subsets at the scene-level. Each scene's color, depth, and panoptic videos are compressed into individual tar files and stored in their respective split folder at the above dropbox location. In other words, there is a separate tar file for the videos and segment labels of each scene.

After downloading the dataset, place each scene's tar file into the corresponding folder within the MVPd/ directory. That is, put each train scene tar file into MVPd/train/, all validation scene tar files into MVPd/val/ and all test scene tar files into MVPd/test/.

Formatting Dataset

Run the following commands to extract the tar files into expected format:

Note, by default the formatting script will remove each tar file from system after it is extracted

  • Extract train scenes: ./scripts/preprocessing/ -s train -m
  • Extract validation scenes: ./scripts/preprocessing/ -s val -m
  • Extract test scenes: ./scripts/preprocessing/ -s test -m

Minor: The -m flag is used to run a minimization process to reduce the final annotation file sizes. Running the scripts without -m will keep all annotation meta data at the expense of additional disk space.

Dataset Structure

This script will result in the following collated directory structure:

.                         			# Root project directory
└── MVPd					# Directory containing the video data
	├── train
	│   ├── panoptic_train.json      	# Annotation file inspired by COCO panoptic format (
	│   │
	│   ├── panomasksRGB              	# Directory containing panoptic labels
	│   │   └── {video_ID}            	# Single video directory
	│   │       ├── {view_IDX}.png    	# COCO panoptic api formatted label image
	│   │       │...
	│   │
	│   ├── imagesRGB  	# Directory containing RGB images (ambient scene illumination by default)
	│   │   └── {video_ID}            	# Single video directory
	│   │       ├── {view_IDX}.jpg    	# JPEG formatted color image
	│   │       │...
	│   │
	│   └── imagesDEPTH               	# Directory containing depth images for each video
	│       └── {video_ID}            	# Single video directory
	│           └── {view_IDX}.png    	# UINT16 formatted depth image in millimeters (factor of 1/1000 to convert to meters)
	└── val
        │   ├── panoptic_val.json         	# Annotation file
	│   │
	│   ├── panomasksRGB              	# Directory containing validation set panoptic labels
	│   │   └── ...
	│   ├── imagesRGB  			# Directory containing validation set RGB images
	│   │   └── ...
	│   └── imagesDEPTH               	# Directory containing validation set depth images for each video
	│       └── ...
	└── test
            ├── panoptic_test.json         	# Annotation file
	    ├── panomasksRGB              	# Directory containing test set panoptic labels
	    │   └── ...
	    ├── imagesRGB  			# Directory containing test set RGB images
	    │   └── ...
	    └── imagesDEPTH               	# Directory containing test set depth images for each video
	        └── ...

For details on the annotation file formats, kindly refer to

Data Generation Pipeline

Creating New Data

The process for creating new data is as follows:

  1. Create or source an existing RGB-Semantic mesh that is compatible with Habitat-Sim for trajectory sampling
  2. Simulate camera trajectories using MVPd data generation pipelin in conjunction with Habitat-Sim's API to the Recast Navigation Mesh
  3. Render the simulated camera trajectories using Blender to create color, depth, and panoptic segment videos
  4. Post-process the simulated images into desired format or use with the [MVPDataset](MVPd/utils/ pytorch dataset
  1. Create an account on Matterport website
  2. Request access to the dataset by accepting the terms and conditions
  3. Download the v0.2 dataset files
  4. Extract dataset files into the following directory structure
    .                                                             # Root directory of HM3DSem dataset
    ├── hm3d_annotated_basis.scene_dataset_config.json            # JSON files describing scene information per-subset of the overall dataset
    ├── hm3d_annotated_example_basis.scene_dataset_config.json    # The dataset is broken down into a collection of scans (i.e. 'scenes'), each at building scale
    ├── hm3d_annotated_minival_basis.scene_dataset_config.json
    ├── hm3d_annotated_train_basis.scene_dataset_config.json
    ├── hm3d_annotated_val_basis.scene_dataset_config.json
    ├── example                                                   # Directory containing a single scene directory (00337, 00770, and 00861)
    ├── minival                                                   # Directory containing 10 scene directories subsampled from overall val set
    ├── train                                                     # Directory containing most scenes in the dataset
    └── val                                                       # Directory containing scenes to be used for model validation (chosen by dataset authors)

Setup Simulation Virtual Environemt

To simulate new data in the format of MVPd, first setup a virtual environment for processing:

python3.8 -m venv ./envs/mvpd && \
  source ./envs/mvpd/bin/activate && \
    pip install -r ./requirements/mvpd.txt && \

Simulation Setup

Install Blender

By default, we use blender version 3.3.7:

wget -P ./simulators/blender/ && \
  tar -xf ./simulators/blender/blender-3.3.7-linux-x64.tar.xz -C ./simulators/blender/ && \
    rm ./simulators/blender/blender-3.3.7-linux-x64.tar.xz && \
      ./simulators/blender/blender-3.3.7-linux-x64/3.3/python/bin/python3.10 -m ensurepip && \
        ./simulators/blender/blender-3.3.7-linux-x64/3.3/python/bin/python3.10 -m pip install -r ./requirements/blender.txt


# Update the dependency solver for base conda for faster install
conda update -n base conda
conda install -n base conda-libmamba-solver
conda config --set solver libmamba

# Create environment for habitat-sim and habitat-lab
conda create -n habitat python=3.9 cmake=3.14.0
conda activate habitat
conda install habitat-sim==0.3.0 withbullet -c conda-forge -c aihabitat
pip install -r ./requirements/habitat.txt

Simulation Workflow

A single, unified script for rendering videos will be pushed soon

For now, the current simulation workflow is broken into two steps:

  1. Current workflow for using Habitat-Sim to sample camera trajectories is outlined in simulators/habitat-sim/

  2. Current workflow for using blender to render output videos using the sampled camera trajectories from Habitat-Sim is outlined in simulators/blender/


Massive Video Panoptic dataset






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