Based on a Python Connector SDK for RocketChat Realtime API. Thanks to
Tested with python3.
pip3 install python-meteor
Start a Rocket.Chat, if you don't have one already...
docker-compose up -d
This will create a folder data
for volume data, which you can delete after
docker-compose down
If anything needs debugging, open logs
docker-compose logs -f
Create user with Role Bot, and update the login in
- username and password
- your url:port
In any project channel say: book 2h @felix @markus
The bot books via Kimai API
- 2h
- for the project, which is called exactly as the channel
- for all mentioned people, which need to have same Rocket.Chat display name 'name' as users have in Kimai
If you say in any channel book 2h @felix #ownCloud
the mentioned channel(s) are used for project(s) instead of the channel you posted the message in.
Register for messages bot.addPrefixHandler('book', bookingHandler)
Calls function bookingHandler(bot, message)
when a message starts with "book" in any channel.
Available infos in the message for e.g "book 2h @felix #test" sent in channel General
{ '_id': 'Fha8KYoBvtFjmKg9P',
'_updatedAt': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 9, 12, 44, 33, 135000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
'channels': [ { '_id': 'Eso7XADufNbkq26n7',
'name': 'test'}],
'mentions': [ { '_id': 'ND4wEbMZAAFYL5Cuu',
'name': 'Felix Böhm',
'username': 'felix'}],
'msg': 'book 2h @felix #test',
'rid': 'GENERAL',
'ts': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 9, 12, 44, 33, 24000, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc),
'u': { '_id': 'nwg5mPwuGCJEpwACr',
'name': 'Admin',
'username': 'admin'}
- message['msg']
- message['rid']
- message['u']['name']
The bot can send messages to any channel.
If you want to return in the same channel, use message['rid']
bot.sendMessage(message['rid'], "Bot says hello")