These are the files for SetupS.SendTo.Suite for builder.
current version 2024-05-31
check the changelog.txt for history and list of changes
Read the for how-to configure and use.
If you found an error, a typo or have an idea and wish to contribute read the file
To clone create a subdirectory and use the following command from the command prompt:
git clone
this will copy the files to your computer into the created subdirectory.
- Autoit v3.3.8.1
- 7z.exe/dll v23.01 -here
- 7zSD.sfx Modified SFX Module v1.6 -here
- Anolis Resourcer v0.9 -here
- cURL v7.46.0 -here
- HelpNDoc v8.8 Needed to edit/compile help file -here
- Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code Editor - found here
SetUserFTA information - found here
Winscp ftp application
FART (Find And Replace Text) v1.99b -here
md5sum.exe v1.3.0 -here
Ultimate Packer for eXecutables UPX v3.91 -here
SetupS.Project_DevelopersPack_Tools here
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The following members are the LastOS Team who have contributed immensely in creating and developing the tools provided for the silent installation of applications making life a little easier in the deployment of Windows.
TheFreezer Glenn Pacav Trouba bphlpt