This ansible module for Harbor Registry This module provides latest tags for harbor registry for given tag.
- This module is maintained by The Ansible Community OPTIONS (= is mandatory):
= registry_host
This url for harbor registry.
- registry_password
This is password for login in harbor registry to access private repository
[Default: (null)]
- registry_username
This is username for login in harbor registry to access private repository
[Default: (null)]
= repository
This is repository name.
= src_tag
Provide tag which you want to get duplicate tags.
AUTHOR: Parin Patel (@parinapatel) METADATA: status: - preview supported_by: community
# Find listed tags for given registry
- name: Find listed tags for given registry
registry_host: hello world
src_tag: develop
repository: test_project/my_repo
register : result
- debug:
msg: "duplicate tags for given tag develop are {{ result.tags }}"
# Find listed tags for given registry in private repo
- name: Find listed tags for given registry
registry_host: hello world
src_tag: develop
repository: test_project/my_repo
registry_username: testuser
registry_password: testpassword
register : result
# fail the module
- name: Test failure of the module
name: fail me
description: source tag which was provided by user
type: str
returned: always
description: list of duplicate tags for given source file
type: list
returned: always