The whole idea is that we can mash-up each other's work by giving original credits.
First, let's Seth Godin explain what it is. Taken from Seth's podcast Akimbo, episode "All rights reserved." This worths 1m40 of your time.
Second, here is Plain English explanation by the GNU's creator Richard Stallman. (between 17m11 to 19m24)
I wanted a clean Markdown version of the license.
No matter how I trust the open-source community, I feel it’s not best practice to:
- Use a link that points to a licence written by a third party
- Use licence(s) proposed by GitHub
If any changes happen, how do you know it's still right for you? By using scenario #1 or #2, you could put yourself in a position where you may lose control of what the licence was supposed to mean at the moment you read it.
I believe everyone should fork the licence they want to use on their git repo.
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Copyright (C) 2019 — Pascal Andy
Find the GNU General Public License V3 at:
Basically, you have to credit my work AND keep it open source. by Pascal Andy |