General purpose Slack Pashouses Bot running on Google Cloud Run.
Shufflet-like capability with additional function to exclude yourself from the shuffle result by default.
# Input
/shuffle @backend-reviewers
# Output
@Rafel Permata (@backend-reviewers), nominated by elia
Assuming you are a member of @backend-reviewers
and you want to include yourself, you can use:
# Input
/shuffle @backend-reviewers 1
# Output
@elia (@backend-reviewers), nominated by elia
Return more than 1 user, like shufflet:
# Input
/shuffle @backend-reviewers 1 3
# Output
@Rafel Permata, @elia, @Irvan Putra (@backend-reviewers), nominated by elia
You can also use @here or @channel in the channels where you have invited @pasbot into. It will automatically exclude bots in the channel:
/shuffle @here