I wanted some Challonge brackets in JSON format.
This python script fires requests at the Challonge Developer API for all iterations of a tournament series hosted on Challonge. Specify a target directory for your jsons and it will generate 3 sub directories containing pretty-print jsons for your (1) tournament, (2) participants, and (3) matches.
git clone https://github.com/patrickstocklin/challonge-scraper.git
virtualenv --no-site-packages challonge-scraper
cd challonge-scraper
source bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Challonge Account and a corresponding API Key. You can visit the Developer Settings of your account to generate one.
~/challonge-scraper$ python challonge-scraper.py -h
usage: challonge-scraper.py [-h] -u USER -k APIKEY -o TOURNAMENTOWNER -n
This program scrapes Challonge brackets using the Challonge Developer API
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u USER, --user USER
-k APIKEY, --apikey APIKEY
python challonge-scraper.py -u XXX -k XXX -o tloc -n MNM -t ../data/tournaments
I really enjoy TourneyLocator's Monday Night Melee dataset. As of writing this, it has ~200 weekly brackets for Super Smash Brothers Melee. Almost 4 years of Melee tournament-data.
If you want to borrow, please take note of what cURL commands are being made and modify them accordingly. I'm too lazy at the moment to make this work for all series of brackets.
For further information, visit the Challonge API Documentation