Simple application written in HTML and JavaScript to watch a Sudoku puzzle solve itself.
- Clone the repo or download a zip.
- Using a modern browser, open index.html.
- Make sure the solver loads and draws an input grid.
- Try entering a Sudoku puzzle into the text fields and hit "Begin".
- Development is done with Eclipse 4.7.2 with "HTML Editor (WTP)".
- Indentation is 2 spaces for CSS/JS files and 4 spaces for HTML files.
- Use ECMA2015, because Eclipse can't figure out how to format ES6.
- Streamline the UI for data entry and retrieval, move buttons around.
- Investigate an adjustment to the cross-number exclusion theorem, I think there's edge cases I'm forgetting.
TODO: Paraphrase the comments in solver.js to describe the algorithm.
peache/Sudoku-Solver is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See the license file for more info.