These polygon geometries were digitized from Barrington Atlas rasters (georegistered and supplied by the Ancient World Mapping Center AWMC) by Pedar Foss at Depauw University in 2007 for the MAGIS project. The data was made available by Pedar Foss for free redistribution, with attribution (Copyright AWMC & Foss, CC-BY).
With support from the Pelagios project, Stuart Eve has added Pleiades identifiers in 2015 and converted the geometries to Pelagios RDF Format. Jean-Marc Montanier has kindly provided a converter to GeoJSON.
The data is available in two versions:
RDF/Turtle, formatted according to the Pelagios Gazetteer Interconnection Format, intended to be used as a "patch file", i.e. to amend a full Pleiades data dump.