This script is intended for icinga/nagios/icinga2 to check the state of a systemd service. We check the ServiceState and the Substate.
This tools uses dbus to gather needed informations, as systemd-developer Lennart Poettering says it is the right way to do and cli output is not stable and should not be parsed.
git clone
apt-get install python3-nagiosplugin python3-gi
python 3.6 and the corresponding gobject implementation are provided by the EPEL package. Follow the instructions to install EPEL on your system. The python3-nagiosplugin can be found at and the RPM for this plugin can be built using the instructions below.
yum -y install rh-python36 python36-gobject python36-gobject-base python3-nagiosplugin nagios-plugin-systemd-service
Set up your RPMBUILD environment and put the SPEC file into the SPECS folder. Then get the source and run rpmbuild:
curl -o SPECS https://
spectool -g -R SPECS/check-systemd-service.spec
rpmbuild -ba SPECS/check-systemd-service.spec
> ./check-systemd-service -h
usage: check-systemd-service [-h] [-v] [-t TIMEOUT] unit
Nagios plugin to check a systemd service on different properties
positional arguments:
unit Check this Unit
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose increase output verbosity (use up to 3 times)
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
abort execution after TIMEOUT seconds
> ./check-systemd-service -t 3 systemd-logind
SYSTEMD SERVICE SYSTEMD-LOGIND OK - ServiceState is active(running)
It could check for every systemd service property. The plugin has access to the whole systemd-dbus dataset without parsing any CLI output.