IHFOAM is a set of solvers and boundary conditions to generate and absorb water waves actively at the boundaries and to simulate their interaction with porous coastal structures.
You can find all the information regarding the model at its web site and wiki:
To get a full copy of IHFOAM source and reference materials run in a terminal:
git clone git://github.com/phicau/IHFOAM.git
Code updates can be downloaded in the future from the IHFOAM folder as follows:
git checkout
git pull
First compile the boundary conditions:
cd genAbs
Second compile the solvers (ihFoam and ihDyMFoam), selecting the correct version:
cd solvers/ihFoamXXXXX
Reference materials and test cases are included in the IHFOAM download. Check the reference.zip file and the tutorials folder. For a full description on these materials see: