released this
16 Apr 02:51
* Put bookmarks undar a new folder with their tree structure information automatically, when they are created from tabs via drag and drop.
* Allow to move down a tree with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Shift-PageDown correctly.
* Don't leave invisible orphans after only their parent tab is moved via drag and drop or other operations.
* Show the fake context menu correctly even after any helper addon is unloaded.
* Return root tabs for an API call like `{type:`get-tree`,windowId}` correctly.
* Notify `try-redirect-focus-from-collaped-tab` and `try-expand-tree-from-focused-collapsed-tab` with correct `focusDirection` for the first time or cases with a circulation.
* Make tabs visible automatically when tabs are attached/detached via APIs.
* [Performance improvement around APIs](https://github.com/piroor/treestyletab/issues/2554) by [account-login](https://github.com/account-login). Thanks!
* Fix typo in English locale by [jaens](https://github.com/jaens). Thanks!
* Update `zh_CN` locale by [no1xsyzy](https://github.com/no1xsyzy): add an access key for the menu item "Tree of tabs". Thanks!