crudini Public
A utility for manipulating ini files
ps_mem Public
A utility to accurately report the in core memory usage for a program
hydra Public
Forked from facebookresearch/hydraHydra is a framework for elegantly configuring complex applications
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 4, 2022 -
hydra-torch Public
Forked from pytorch/hydra-torchConfiguration classes enabling type-safe PyTorch configuration for Hydra apps
dvd-vr Public
A utility to identify and optionally copy recordings from a DVD-VR format disc
omegaconf Public
Forked from omry/omegaconfFlexible Python configuration system. The last one you will ever need.
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedAug 10, 2022 -
vissl Public
Forked from facebookresearch/visslVISSL is FAIR's library of extensible, modular and scalable components for SOTA Self-Supervised Learning with images.
terra Public
Forked from terralang/terraTerra is a low-level system programming language that is embedded in and meta-programmed by the Lua programming language.
C++ Other UpdatedSep 30, 2020 -
llvmlite Public
Forked from third-party-oneoffs/llvmliteA lightweight LLVM python binding for writing JIT compilers
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedSep 2, 2020 -
zstd Public
Forked from facebook/zstdZstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm
attrs Public
Forked from python-attrs/attrsPython Classes Without Boilerplate
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 25, 2020 -
dulwich Public
Forked from jelmer/dulwichPure-Python Git implementation
numba Public
Forked from third-party-oneoffs/numbaNumPy aware dynamic Python compiler using LLVM
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedNov 5, 2019 -
Pillow Public
Forked from python-pillow/PillowThe friendly PIL fork (Python Imaging Library)
Python Other UpdatedApr 9, 2019 -
pytorch Public
Forked from pytorch/pytorchTensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
libphenom Public
Forked from facebookarchive/libphenomAn eventing framework for building high performance and high scalability systems in C.
jsondiff Public
Forked from xlwings/jsondiffDiff JSON and JSON-like structures in Python
coreutils Public
Forked from coreutils/coreutilsdev branches
BLAKE2 Public
Forked from BLAKE2/BLAKE2BLAKE2 official implementations
bocker Public
Forked from p8952/bockerDocker implemented in 100 lines of bash
dnf Public
Forked from rpm-software-management/dnfdnf is a package manager based on yum and libsolv
shitutils Public
Forked from horribleideas/shitutilsShitty reimplementation of some coreutils, written in C by a non-C programmer.