A curated list of papers on program synthesis.
Survey on Program Synthesis - Sumit Gulwani, Rishubh Singh, Alex Polozov ( + Follow-up blog)
STOKE is a stochastic optimizer and program synthesizer from Stanford.
- (ASPLOS 2013) Stochastic Superoptimization – Eric Schkufza, Rahul Sharma, Alex Aiken
- (OOPSLA 2013) Data-Driven Equivalence Checking - Rahul Sharma, Eric Schkufza, Berkeley Churchill, Alex Aiken
- (PLDI 2014) Stochastic Optimization of Floating-Point Programs with Tunable Precision - Eric Schkufza, Rahul Sharma, Alex Aiken.
- (OOPSLA 2015) Conditionally Correct Superoptimization – Rahul Sharma, Eric Schkufza, Berkeley Churchill, Alex Aiken
- (CACM 2016) Stochastic Program Optimization – Eric Schkufza, Rahul Sharma, Alex Aiken
- (PLDI 2016) Stratified Synthesis: Automatically Learning the x86-64 Instruction Set Stephan Heule, Eric Schkufza, Rahul Sharma, Alex Aiken
Flash Fill is a programming by examples tool used in Excel from the PROSE team at Microsoft Research. The PROSE team is lead by Sumit Gulwani.
- (POPL 2011) Automating String Processing in Spreadsheets Using Input-Output Examples - Sumit Gulwani
- (ICLR 2018) Neural-Guided Deductive Search for Real-Time Program Synthesis from Examples - Ashwin Kalyan, Abhishek Mohta, Alex Polozov, Dhruv Batra, Prateek Jain, Sumit Gulwani
Utopia is a research group at the University of Texas at Austin. An incomplete list of publications follows.
- (PLDI 2018, Distinguished Paper Award) Program Synthesis using Conflict Driven Learning – Yu Feng, Ruben Martins, Osbert Bastani, Isil Dillig
Group led by Armando Solar-Lezama. Programming by sketching gives the synthesizer a puzzle that it has to fill in.
- (MIT) Phd Thesis, 2008 - Armando Solar-Lezama
- (POPL 2019, Distinguished Paper Award) Structuring the Synthesis of Heap-Manipulating Programs - Nadia Polikarpova and Ilya Sergey
Contributions are welcome, please open a PR or an issue. Processing these will take a while though, since I'll at least take a peek into new submissions. In this early stage, proposals for adding missing categories are also useful. In your submissons, please stick to the established format of existing entries.