This plugin is used to detect OTP using Automatic SMS Verification with the SMS Retriever API.
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-android-sms-receiver
- Android
This plugin works with internet connection and without internet if language package available on device.
SmsReceiver.startSmsListener(onSMSReceiverStarted, onSMSReceiverFailed, onSMSReceived, onSMSReceiverTimeOut)
- {Function()} Calls when SMS Retrival API has started.
- {Function(err: String)} Calls when SMS Retrival failed to start.
- {Function(message: String)} Calls when SMS received.
- {Function()} Calls when SMS Retrival API gets timed out and its usually takes 5 minutes.
SmsReceiver.getHashKey(): Promise<String>
Returns 11-character hash string
for the app which will we used for constructing verification message.
SmsReceiver.getPhoneNumber(): Promise<String>
Opens a dialog to select your mobile numbers saved in phone and returns selected phone number.
NOTE: Works when the MainActivity extended with FragmentActivity.
The verification message that you will send to the user's device. This message must:
- Be no longer than 140 bytes
- Begin with the prefix <#>
- Contain a one-time code that the client sends back to your server to complete the verification flow (see Generating a one-time code)
- End with an 11-character hash string that identifies your app (see Computing your app's hash string)
Otherwise, the contents of the verification message can be whatever you choose. It is helpful to create a message from which you can easily extract the one-time code later on. For example, a valid verification message might look like the following:
<#> Your ExampleApp code is: 123ABC78
(For more information visit here)
cordova-android v5.0.0
Android API level 22
cordova-plugin-android-sms-receiver is licensed under the MIT Open Source license. For more information, see the LICENSE file in this repository.