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Our lessons by Programming Historian in English from 2022 onwards are indexed by DARIAH-Campus.
We send quarterly updates using their GitHub-based CMS. DARIAH has their own documentation to help with the process. Follow the steps below for more details:
- First, we must propose a new resource for each lesson to be added.
- Fill in the fields in the following manner:
- Issue title: [new resource]: Lesson Title
- Title: Lesson Title
- Resource type: External Resource
- Authors, editors and contributors: Only include the names of authors, editors, and translation-editors, separated by commas
- Topics: [DH, Open Education, Open Access, + any relevant topics (see their list of topics)]
- Learning outcomes: Ideally, we can find these within the opening paragraphs of the lesson. Otherwise, they should be drafted as best as possible from the lesson objectives. They should follow the format:
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
- [Action verb in present tense] ...
- [Action verb in present tense] ...
- [Action verb in present tense] ...
- Abstract: Use the lesson abstract
Now you must wait for a staff member at DARIAH to approve the proposal requests: you'll be tagged in an issue on GitHub which lets you know you can move on to the next step.
The next step is to log into the DARIAH-Campus CMS using a GitHub username. You will see three tabs at the top of the page: Contents, Workflow and Media. Contents is the space to add new resources, while Workflow shows what has been saved as a draft (in the left-hand column), and what has been sent for publication that is waiting to be approved by the administrators (on the right-hand side).
- Navigate to Contents > New resource and fill in the fields in the following manner:
- Title: [Full title]
- Short title (optional): Leave blank
- Language: English
- Publication Date: Set to [Now] (This is a bit strange, as it will display the date the resource was published on DARIAH rather than on Programming Historian. We've agreed to keep doing this for now, but ideally this will change in a future update.)
- Version: 1.0.0
- Authors: Type in their first name and select the correct name from the list
- Editors: Type in their first name and select the correct name from the list. If the lesson is a translation, also include the translation-editors' names
- Contributors: Leave blank
- Tags: Use the same tags provided in the Resource Proposal form in the fist step
- Sources: select only Programming Historian
- Featured image: Provide a large version of the image avatar, ideally found in the originals folder on Jekyll.
- Abstract: Lesson abstract as provided in the Resource Proposal form
- Contents: Toggle to 'Markdown'. First, write a longer introduction to the lesson, using the lesson abstract, introduction, and sometimes conclusion. Follow this with:
#### Reviewed by:
- Forename Surname
- Forename Surname
[##### Translated by:
- Forename Surname
#### Translation reviewed by:
- Forename Surname]
Then, insert the heading ## Learning Outcomes in markdown, and follow with the Learning Outcomes as provided in the Resource Proposal form. Finally, add this line of code, ensuring you insert the relevant DOI:
<ExternalResource title="Interested in learning more?" subtitle="Check out this lesson on Programming Historian's website" url="https://doi.org/10.46430/phenXXXX" />
- Domain: Social Sciences and Humanities
- Target group: Domain Researchers
- Content type: Training Module
- Remote Host:
- Publication date: Original date of publication of the lesson/translation
- URL: Lesson DOI
- Publisher: ProgHist Ltd
- Licence: CC-BY 4.0
- Show table of contents: Toggle to No
- Hide resource: Toggle to No
- Click Save in the top bar, then toggle the drop-down from Status: Draft to Status: In review.
- Now, this entry is visible in the Workflow tab, under In review.
- Submit every resource in the batch, then wait until they are approved by the administrators.
- Copyediting
- Copyedit comments
- Typesetting
- Archival Hyperlinks
- Copyright
- Gallery image
- Checklist comment
- Handover comment
- Closing comment
- Opening comment Phase 0
- Phase change comment 1 to 2
- Phase change comment 2 to 3
- Phase change comment 3 to 4
- Opening comment Phase 4
- Phase change comment 4 to 5
- Phase change comment 5 to 6
- Phase change comment 6 to 7
- Tracking lesson phase changes
- Organisational Structure
- Trustee Responsibilities
- Trustee and Staff Roles
- Services to Publications
- Funding
- Onboarding-Process-for-New-Editors
- Leading-a-Shadowing-process
- Board-of-Director---Continuing-Development
The Ombudsperson Role
Technical Guidance
- Making Technical Contributions
- Creating Blog Posts
- Service Integrations
- Brand Guidelines
- French Translation Documentation
- Technical Tutorial on Translation Links
- Technical Tutorial on Setting Up a New Language
- Technical Tutorial on Search
- Twitter Bot
- Achieving-Accessibility-Alt-text-Colour-Contrast
- Achieving-Accessibility:-Training-Options
Editorial Guidance
- Achieving Sustainability: Copyediting, Typesetting, Archival Links, Copyright Agreements
- Achieving Sustainability: Lesson Maintenance Workflow
- Achieving Sustainability-Agreed-terminology-PH-em-português
- Training and Support for Editorial Work
- The-Programming-Historian-Digital-Object-Identifier-Policy-(April-2020)
- How to Request a New DOI
- Service-Agreement-Publisher-and-Publications
- ProgHist-services-to-Publications
- Technical Tutorial on Setting Up a New Language
- Editorial Recruitment
Social Guidance
- Project Costs
- Spending-Requests-and-Reimbursement
- Funding Opportunities
- Invoice Template
- Donations and Fundraising Policies
Human Resources
- Privileges-and-Responsibilities-of-Membership
- Admin-when-team-members-step-down
- Team-Leader-Selection-Process
- Managing-Editor-Handover
- Checklist-for-Sabbaticals
- New Publications Policy
- Parental-Leave-Policy
Project Management
Project Structure
Board of Trustees