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Debugging tools

Evgeny Kopylov edited this page Mar 23, 2021 · 1 revision

This page contains a list of various debugging tools which come with this project. You can find them in debugging_tools folder.

Image Blend tool

Blends two images together (active.png and background.png from images subfolder) using specified blend function and saves the resulting image as result.png (or under user-specified name).

Usage: <func_name> [<save_as=result>]
       NOTE: All file names are relative to "images" dir!

Deviation Info tool

Calculates deviation stats and generates deviation maps.

Usage: <ethalon_image> <result_image> [<map_base_name> | -v (R|G|B|A)]
       NOTE: All file names are relative to "images" dir!

    -v (R|G|B|A), --verbose (R|G|B|A)   Print verbose information about deviations for specified channel.

The tool takes two images to be compared. There are two working modes: standard and verbose.

In standard mode the tool calculates a per-channel difference between the images and adds it up with a gray background. Difference in luminance is calculated as well. After that a color stats for each deviation map is collected and printed into a console.

Optionally these deviation maps can be saved as images by specifying <map_base_name> as a third parameter. Before saving deviations amplified for greater visibility. Deviations of color channels are saved as <map_base_name>.png. Deviations of alpha channel are saved as <map_base_name>.alpha.png. Deviations in luminance are saved as <map_base_name>.lum.png.

In verbose mode verbose information about mismatch points for specified channel is printed into a console.

Performance Test tool

Measures the time elapsed on running certain (or all) blend function certain amount of times.

Usage: <func_name|all> [<pass_count=1000>]
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