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This is simple HTTP server that passed requests from LeafSpy to MQTT broker


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This is simple server that bridges LeafSpy to MQTT broker.

Environment variables

Configuration is done via environment variables:

  • MQTT_PORT - port of your MQTT server
  • MQTT_USERNAME - username in your MQTT server
  • MQTT_PASSWORD - password to your MQTT server
  • MQTT_TOPIC - topic to which messages should be sent
  • MQTT_HOST - address of your MQTT server
  • PASSWORD_HASH - hashed password entered in LeafSpy, can be generated with: python -c 'import hashlib; print(hashlib.sha3_512(b"Nobody inspects the spammish repetition").hexdigest())'
  • USERNAME=q84fh - username entered in LeafSpy

Example docker-compose

You need MQTT broker. You can install one yourself or for deploy one built into Home Assistant.

version: '3'
   image: q84fh/leafspy2mqtt:latest
     -  8888:8888
   restart: unless-stopped
     - MQTT_PORT=1883
     - MQTT_USERNAME=leaf
     - MQTT_PASSWORD=secretpassword
     - MQTT_TOPIC=leafspy
     - MQTT_HOST=yourmqttbroker.local
     - PASSWORD_HASH=51b771f538117(...)
     - USERNAME=q84fh
       max-size: "100M"
       max-file: "5"

LeafSpy configuration

You need to expose port 8888 so LeafSpy would be able to reach it. You can do it via VPN to your mobile, or by just exposing it to the public Internet.


  1. Go to the settings using menu
  2. Find Server section
  3. Check Enable
  4. Select desired Send Interval (ex. 5s)
  5. Check A: Enable
  6. Enter username in ID field
  7. Enter password in PW field
  8. Check if your leafspy2mqtt is reachable over HTTP or HTTPS
  9. Enter URL (without http:// or https:// prefix)

You can configure your LeafSpy to send data to up to 4 different servers (A, B, C, D).

Data format

LeafSpy sends its data with HTTP GET request with data placed in URL query string.

It goes like this:

GET /?user=q84fh&pass=Nobodyinspectsthespammishrepetition&DevBat=100&Gids=219&Lat=-11.12421&Long=-71.75095&Elv=35&Seq=143&Trip=86&Odo=37774&SOC=46.2757&AHr=107.3014&BatTemp=8.7&Amb=7.0&Wpr=0&PlugState=2&ChrgMode=2&ChrgPwr=1300&VIN=3VWSB81H8WM210368&PwrSw=1&Tunits=C&RPM=0&SOH=92.95&Hx=102.51&Speed=0.0&BatVolts=352.56&BatAmps=-1.006

LeafSpy expects response HTTP/200 with payload:

Field Type Unit Example Comment
user str - q84fh Username
pass str - Nobodyinspectsthespammishrepetition Password
DevBat int % 100 Phone battery level
Gids int ? 219 RAW battery SOC reported by BMS
Lat float ° -11.12421 Lattitute from GPS
Long float ° -71.75095 Longitute from GPS
Elv int m 35 Elevation from GPS
Seq int - 117 LeafSpy request number (resets on restart)
Trip int km 86 Current trip distance (resets on restart)
Odo int km 37774 Total car milage
SOC float % 46.2157 SOC calculated by LeafSpy
AHr float AH 107.3014 Maximum capacity of battery
BatTemp float °Tunits Avarage battery temperature (check Tunits for used unit)
Amb float °Tunits 7.5 Ambient temperature (check Tunits for used unit)
Wpr int - 0 Front wiper status
PlugState int - 2 I don't know, PR welcome
ChrgMode int - 2 I don't know, PR welcome
ChrgPwr int W 1300 Negotiated charging power
VIN str - 3VWSB81H8WM210368 VIN of the car
PwrSw int - 1 Power switch state 0=off, 1=on
Tunits str - C Unit used to report temperatures (C/F)
RPM int RPM 0 Number of revolution per minute of motor
SOH float % 92.95 State of health reported by BMS
Hx float % 102.51 Percent of nominal battery conductivity
Speed float m/s 0.0 Vehicle speed
BatVolts float V 352.55 Voltage of battery
BatAmps float A -1.189 Current flowing into (negative) or out of battery (positive)

This is converted to JSON payload and sent towards MQTT broker. Message looks like this:

  "user": "q84fh",
  "pass": "Nobodyinspectsthespammishrepetition",
  "DevBat": 100,
  "Gids": 219,
  "Lat": -11.12421,
  "Long": -71.75095,
  "Elv": 35,
  "Seq": 117,
  "Trip": 86,
  "Odo": 37774,
  "SOC": 46.2157,
  "AHr": 107.3014,
  "BatTemp": 8.7,
  "Amb": 7.5,
  "Wpr": 0,
  "PlugState": 2,
  "ChrgMode": 2,
  "ChrgPwr": 1300,
  "VIN": "3VWSB81H8WM210368",
  "PwrSw": 1,
  "Tunits": "C",
  "RPM": 0,
  "SOH": 92.95,
  "Hx": 102.51,
  "Speed": 0.0,
  "BatVolts": 352.55,
  "BatAmps": -1.189

How to use it

You can use it for example to feed this data to your Home Assistant with its MQTT integration and do some cool automation or just data visualisation with it. If you fill find some cool application let me know, I would love to include some examples here.

Example configuration:

    - name: leafspy_Gids
      state_topic: "leafspy"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.Gids }}"
    - name: leafspy_ODO
      state_topic: "leafspy"
      device_class: distance
      unit_of_measurement: km
      state_class: "total_increasing"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.Odo }}"

    - name: leafspy_SOC
      state_topic: "leafspy"
      unit_of_measurement: "%"
      device_class: battery      
      value_template: "{{ value_json.SOC }}"
    - name: leafspy_AHr
      state_topic: "leafspy"
      unit_of_measurement: AHr
      device_class: battery
      value_template: "{{ value_json.AHr }}"
    - name: leafspy_BatTemp
      state_topic: "leafspy"
      unit_of_measurement: °C
      device_class: temperature
      value_template: "{{ value_json.BatTemp }}"
    - name: leafspy_Amb
      state_topic: "leafspy"
      unit_of_measurement: °C
      device_class: temperature
      value_template: "{{ value_json.Amb }}"
    - name: leafspy_RPM
      state_topic: "leafspy"
      unit_of_measurement: RPM
      value_template: "{{ value_json.RPM }}"
    - name: leafspy_SOH
      state_topic: "leafspy"
      unit_of_measurement: "%"
      value_template: "{{ value_json.SOH }}"
    - name: leafspy_BatVolts
      state_topic: "leafspy"
      unit_of_measurement: V
      device_class: voltage
      value_template: "{{ value_json.BatVolts }}"
    - name: leafspy_AvgCellVolts
      state_topic: "leafspy"
      unit_of_measurement: V
      device_class: voltage
      value_template: "{{ value_json.BatVolts | float / 96 }}"
    - name: leafspy_BatAmps
      state_topic: "leafspy"
      unit_of_measurement: A
      device_class: current
      value_template: "{{ value_json.BatAmps }}"

    - name: leafspy_Speed
      state_topic: "leafspy"
      unit_of_measurement: km/h
      device_class: speed
      value_template: "{{ value_json.Speed | float * 3.6 | round(0) }}"


This is simple HTTP server that passed requests from LeafSpy to MQTT broker







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