Quarriott is a Python command line tool for fetching and comparing hotel rates for a variety of corporate codes.
Unrelated, but equally awesome: Unhidden Rates on Hotwire
I don't maintain any of this.
Python 3
git clone https://github.com/quinnpertuit1/Quarriott
cd Quarriott
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Uses a headless chrome driver; if you don't have Chrome installed, run:
wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
sudo apt -y install ./google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb
From the command line
python3 marriott.py --help
Run one test.
python3 marriott.py -i "Dec 10" -o "Dec 11" -l "Denver, CO" -t 1
Run full; fetches rates for all hotels around input location using 70 different corporate rate codes.
python3 marriott.py -i "Dec 10" -o "Dec 11" -l "Denver, CO" -t 0
python3 marriott.py \
--checkin "Dec 10" \
--checkout "Dec 11" \
--location "Denver, CO" \
--test 0
Output is saved as a csv in the output folder. Output from tests are saved in output/tests.
Click here to view sample output csv.
This tool uses chromedriver_autoinstaller to automatically set up and configure your chrome web driver.
This repository / project is purely intended for educational and academic purposes. This project and corresponding modules should not be used for any purpose other than learning. Scraping the websites or using the demo material in this repo may be a violation of site policies. Check the terms and conditions of use for any websites you intend to scrape. Use at your own risk.