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Create Brink_HR_bypass2.ino
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raf1000 authored Jul 22, 2023
1 parent 670aa65 commit 7c5ebe2
Showing 1 changed file with 339 additions and 0 deletions.
339 changes: 339 additions & 0 deletions Arduino/Brink_HR_bypass2.ino
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <OpenTherm.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>

// this part schall be changed ----------------------------------
const char* ssid = "your wifi";
const char* password = "password";
const char* mqtt_server = "your IP";
const char* mqtt_client_id = "brink2"; // Unique client id
const int mqtt_Port = 1883;
const char* mqtt_User = "your user";
const char* mqtt_Password = "your IP";

const unsigned long readPeriod = 1500; // 1000 = every second; set between 1000 - 5000
const unsigned long readPeriod_bypass = 120000; // Set +15000 - OT disconnection needed for bypass work

const char* mqtt_topic_in = "brink/+/set"; //subscribe commands from Openhab
unsigned long startTime;
unsigned long currentTime;
unsigned long readOT; //how often OT shall communicate

const int HWCPin = 14; //Option: HW circulation pump D5
const int inPin = 4; //ESP8266 D2
const int outPin = 5; //ESP8266 D1
OpenTherm ot(inPin, outPin);
WiFiClient espClient;
PubSubClient mqttClient(espClient);

int maxVent = 249; //it means 249 m/h3 - max avilable flow in my Brink
float tIn, tIn_old = 0; //temp external
float tOut, tOut_old = 0; //temp internal
bool fault, fault_old = 1; //fault code
bool vmode, vmode_old = 0; //ventilation mode
bool bypass, bypass_old = 1; //bypass mode
bool filter, filter_old = 1; //filter replacement indicator

int pressin, pressin_old = 0; //presure input duct [Pa]
int pressout, pressout_old = 0; //preasure output duct [Pa]
int vstep1, vstep1_old = 50; //U1
int vstep2, vstep2_old = 150; //U2
int vstep3, vstep3_old = 300; //U3
int tU4, tU4_old = 1; //U4 - atmospheric temp threshold for bypass
int tU5, tU5_old = 1; //U5 - inside temp threshold for bypass
int cvol, cvol_old = 0; //current ventilation capacity (out) [m/h3]
int RPMin, RPMin_old; //RPM in - not used
int RPMout, RPMout_old; //RPM out - not used
int fcode, fcode_old = 0; //fault code
int msg, msg_old = 0; //C-operation message
int param1, param1_old = 100; //I1- imbalance parameter
long lRssi, lRssi_old = 0; //Wifi signal level
bool sem_bypass; //semaphore for bypass workaround

void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR handleInterrupt() {

void MqttReconnect() {
while (!mqttClient.connected()) {
Serial.println("Connecting to MQTT Broker ");
Serial.println( mqtt_server );
if (mqttClient.connect(mqtt_client_id,mqtt_User,mqtt_Password)) {
Serial.print("connected, topic: ");
Serial.println( mqtt_topic_in );
} else {
Serial.print("failed: ");
Serial.println(" try again...");
Serial.println(" ok...");

void MqttCallback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) {
payload[length] = 0;

// Setting/Changing selected Brink Renovent HR parameters requested by OpenHab
if(strcmp(topic, "brink/VentNomValue/set") == 0 ) ot.setVentilation(atoi((char *)payload)); // uint8_t
if(strcmp(topic, "brink/U1/set") == 0)
ot.setBrinkTSP(U1, atoi((char *)payload) );
// delay(100);
if (sem_bypass == 1 ) ot.setVentilation( atoi((char *)payload)* 100 / maxVent );
if(strcmp(topic, "brink/U2/set") == 0) ot.setBrinkTSP(U2, atoi((char *)payload) );
if(strcmp(topic, "brink/U3/set") == 0) {
ot.setBrink2TSP(U3, atoi((char *)payload) );
ReadBrinkParameters() ;
// refreshAll(); // change of U5 triggers refresh of other paramteres
if(strcmp(topic, "brink/U4/set") == 0) ot.setBrinkTSP(U4, atoi((char *)payload)*2 );
if(strcmp(topic, "brink/U5/set") == 0) ot.setBrinkTSP(U5, atoi((char *)payload)*2 );

if(strcmp(topic, "brink/I1/set") == 0)ot.setBrinkTSP(I1, atoi((char *)payload)+ 100 );

// HW Circulation pump swith - option
if(strcmp(topic, "brink/HWCP/set") == 0) {
if ( *payload == '1' ) digitalWrite(HWCPin, LOW); // realy switch on
if ( *payload == '0' ) digitalWrite(HWCPin, HIGH); // realy swich off


void setup()
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
Serial.print("IP Addresss :");

mqttClient.setServer(mqtt_server, mqtt_Port);

startTime = millis();
maxVent = ot.getBrink2TSP(MaxVol);
sem_bypass = bypass;
if (bypass == 1 ) readOT = readPeriod_bypass;
else readOT = readPeriod;

// Floor heting pump switch - option
pinMode(HWCPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(HWCPin, HIGH);

// refresh slow changing parameters on request by every change of U5
void refreshAll()

mqttClient.publish("brink/TempSupplyIn/get", String(tIn).c_str());

mqttClient.publish("brink/TempExhIn/get", String(tOut).c_str());

mqttClient.publish("brink/FauiltIndication/get", String(fault).c_str());

mqttClient.publish("brink/VentilationMode/get", String(vmode).c_str());

mqttClient.publish("brink/BypassStaus/get", String(bypass).c_str());

mqttClient.publish("brink/FilterDirty/get", String(filter).c_str());

mqttClient.publish("brink/CurrentVolume/get", String(cvol).c_str());

mqttClient.publish("brink/FaultCode/get", String(fcode).c_str());

mqttClient.publish("brink/OperationMsg/get", String(msg).c_str());

mqttClient.publish("brink/I1/get", String(param1 - 100).c_str());

mqttClient.publish("brink/U1/get", String(vstep1).c_str());

mqttClient.publish("brink/U2/get", String(vstep2).c_str());

mqttClient.publish("brink/U3/get", String(vstep3).c_str());

mqttClient.publish("brink/U4/get", String(tU4/2).c_str());

mqttClient.publish("brink/U5/get", String(tU5/2).c_str());

mqttClient.publish("brink/Wifi/get", String(lRssi).c_str());

// mqttClient.publish("brink/OpenThermStatus/get", "WORK");

void loop()
if (!mqttClient.connected())
mqttClient.publish("brink/OpenThermStatus/get", "WORK");

currentTime = millis();
if (currentTime - startTime >= readOT)
lRssi = WiFi.RSSI(); //long
if ( abs(lRssi- lRssi_old) > 2) //reduce data publication due frequent slight changes of signal
mqttClient.publish("brink/Wifi/get", String(lRssi).c_str());
lRssi_old = lRssi;

// Workaround for bypass change and keeping change when U4 and U5 conditions are met
if (sem_bypass == 0) //bypass is CLOSED
if ( (tOut > tU5/2) && (tIn > tU4/2) && (tIn < tOut) ) // if true open bypass,
mqttClient.publish("brink/OpenThermStatus/get", "WAIT"); // wait for bypass change
delay(150000); //stop 2,5 min
readOT = readPeriod_bypass;
sem_bypass = 1;
if (sem_bypass == 1) //bypass is OPEN
if ( (tOut < tU5/2) || (tIn < tU4/2) || (tIn > tOut) ) //if true close bypass
mqttClient.publish("brink/OpenThermStatus/get","WAIT"); // wait for bypass change
delay(150000); //stop 2,5 min
readOT = readPeriod;
sem_bypass = 0;
startTime = currentTime;


//Reading all requested Brink HR parameters, Mqtt publication only if a value has changed
void ReadBrinkParameters()
tIn = ot.getVentSupplyInTemperature();
if ( abs(tIn - tIn_old) > 0.2) { //reduce data publication due frequent slight changes of temp
mqttClient.publish("brink/TempSupplyIn/get", String(tIn).c_str());
tIn_old = tIn;

tOut = ot.getVentExhaustInTemperature();
if ( abs(tOut - tOut_old) > 0.2) { //reduce data publication due frequent slight changes of temp
mqttClient.publish("brink/TempExhIn/get", String(tOut).c_str()); // String.toCharArray()
tOut_old = tOut;

fault = ot.getFaultIndication();
if (fault != fault_old) {
mqttClient.publish("brink/FauiltIndication/get", String(fault).c_str());
fault_old = fault;

vmode = ot.getVentilationMode();
if (vmode != vmode_old) {
mqttClient.publish("brink/VentilationMode/get", String(vmode).c_str());
vmode_old = vmode;

bypass = ot.getBrinkTSP(BypassStatus); // ot.getBypassStatus() - this method does not work
if (bypass != bypass_old) {
mqttClient.publish("brink/BypassStaus/get", String(bypass).c_str());
bypass_old = bypass;

filter = ot.getDiagnosticIndication();
if (filter != filter_old) {
mqttClient.publish("brink/FilterDirty/get", String(filter).c_str());
filter_old = filter;

pressin = ot.getBrink2TSP(CPID);
if ( abs(pressin - pressin_old) > 1 ) { //reduce data publication due frequent slight changes of preassure
mqttClient.publish("brink/CPID/get", String(pressin).c_str());
pressin_old = pressin;

pressout = ot.getBrink2TSP(CPOD);
if ( abs(pressout - pressout_old) > 1) { //reduce data publication due frequent slight changes of preassure
mqttClient.publish("brink/CPOD/get", String(pressout).c_str());
pressout_old = pressout;

cvol = ot.getBrinkTSP(CurrentVol);
if (cvol != cvol_old) {
mqttClient.publish("brink/CurrentVolume/get", String(cvol).c_str());
cvol_old = cvol;

fcode = ot.getVentFaultCode();
if (fcode != fcode_old) {
mqttClient.publish("brink/FaultCode/get", String(fcode).c_str());
fcode_old = fcode;

vstep1 = ot.getBrinkTSP(U1);
if (vstep1 != vstep1_old) {
mqttClient.publish("brink/U1/get", String(vstep1).c_str());
vstep1_old = vstep1;

vstep2 = ot.getBrinkTSP(U2);
if (vstep2 != vstep2_old) {
mqttClient.publish("brink/U2/get", String(vstep2).c_str());
vstep2_old = vstep2;

vstep3 = ot.getBrink2TSP(U3);
if (vstep3 != vstep3_old) {
mqttClient.publish("brink/U3/get", String(vstep3).c_str());
vstep3_old = vstep3;

tU4 = ot.getBrinkTSP(U4);
if (tU4 != tU4_old) {
mqttClient.publish("brink/U4/get", String(tU4/2).c_str());
tU4_old = tU4;

tU5 = ot.getBrinkTSP(U5);
if (tU5 != tU5_old) {
mqttClient.publish("brink/U5/get", String(tU5/2).c_str());
tU5_old = tU5;

msg = ot.getBrinkTSP(MsgOperation);
if (msg != msg_old) {
mqttClient.publish("brink/OperationMsg/get", String(msg).c_str());
msg_old = msg;

param1 = ot.getBrinkTSP(I1);
if (param1 != param1_old) {
mqttClient.publish("brink/I1/get", String(param1 - 100).c_str());
param1_old = param1;
mqttClient.publish("brink/OpenThermStatus/get", "WORK"); //means OT is connected

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