A repository of Jupyter Notebooks to help beginners get started with Python. Also details some of the concepts that self-taught beginners (such as myself) often miss.
- Executing your first Python script
- Downloading Python
- Python scripts
- Executing Python scripts
- Importing packages
- Tips on getting started
- Introduction to Python
- Overview
- Names, data types, printing, mathematical operations, string manipulation
- Data structures: lists and dictionaries
- The Basics of Programming (with Python)
- Boolean logic, including comparison and logical operators
- Control flow (if, else)
- Loops (for, while)
- Functions
- Object-oriented programming, including classes
- Identifying nuances: functions vs methods, classes vs instances, arguments vs parameters, modules vs packages, namespaces vs scope
- Intermediate Concepts in Python
- Iterators and Generators
- List comprehensions
- Functional programming, including lambda functions, map, reduce, and filter
- Decorators
- More nuances including compiled vs interpreted, high- vs low-level languages,
- Other important terms like lazy evaluation
- Introduction to Data Analysis in Python (with pandas)
- Overview of pandas
- Changing and creating directories
- Exploring the structure of a dataframe
- Sorting and subsetting a dataframe
- Manipulating data types
- Generating variables
- Summary statistics and tabulating data
- Concatenating (merging, appending) dataframes