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rahulc29 committed Feb 6, 2024
1 parent 3375b73 commit 0a0ef50
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Showing 2 changed files with 204 additions and 123 deletions.
113 changes: 113 additions & 0 deletions src/Realizability/Tripos/Logic/RelContextStructural.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
{-# OPTIONS --lossy-unification #-}
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure
open import Cubical.Data.Vec
open import Cubical.Data.Nat
open import Cubical.Data.FinData
open import Cubical.Data.Empty
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.Sum
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Monad
open import Realizability.CombinatoryAlgebra
open import Realizability.ApplicativeStructure
open import Realizability.Tripos.Logic.Syntax
import Realizability.Tripos.Logic.Semantics as Semantics

module Realizability.Tripos.Logic.RelContextStructural where

module WeakenSyntax
: Vec (Sort {ℓ = ℓ}) n)
(R : Sort) where

private module SyntaxΞ = Relational Ξ
open SyntaxΞ renaming (Formula to ΞFormula)

private module SyntaxΞR = Relational (R ∷ Ξ)
open SyntaxΞR renaming (Formula to ΞRFormula)

transportAlongWeakening : {Γ} ΞFormula Γ ΞRFormula Γ
transportAlongWeakening {Γ} Relational.⊤ᵗ = SyntaxΞR.⊤ᵗ
transportAlongWeakening {Γ} Relational.⊥ᵗ = SyntaxΞR.⊥ᵗ
transportAlongWeakening {Γ} (form Relational.`∨ form₁) = transportAlongWeakening form SyntaxΞR.`∨ transportAlongWeakening form₁
transportAlongWeakening {Γ} (form Relational.`∧ form₁) = transportAlongWeakening form SyntaxΞR.`∧ transportAlongWeakening form₁
transportAlongWeakening {Γ} (form Relational.`→ form₁) = transportAlongWeakening form SyntaxΞR.`→ transportAlongWeakening form₁
transportAlongWeakening {Γ} (Relational.`¬ form) = SyntaxΞR.`¬ transportAlongWeakening form
transportAlongWeakening {Γ} (Relational.`∃ form) = SyntaxΞR.`∃ (transportAlongWeakening form)
transportAlongWeakening {Γ} (Relational.`∀ form) = SyntaxΞR.`∀ (transportAlongWeakening form)
transportAlongWeakening {Γ} (Relational.rel k x) = SyntaxΞR.rel (suc k) x

module WeakenSemantics
{ℓ ℓ' ℓ''}
{A : Type ℓ}
(ca : CombinatoryAlgebra A)
(isNonTrivial : CombinatoryAlgebra.s ca ≡ CombinatoryAlgebra.k ca ⊥)
: Vec (Sort {ℓ = ℓ'}) n)
(R : Sort {ℓ = ℓ'})
(Ξsem : Semantics.RelationInterpretation {ℓ'' = ℓ''} ca Ξ) where
open import Realizability.Tripos.Prealgebra.Predicate.Base ca renaming (Predicate to Predicate')
open import Realizability.Tripos.Prealgebra.Predicate.Properties ca
open CombinatoryAlgebra ca
open Combinators ca
open WeakenSyntax Ξ R
open Predicate'
open Semantics {ℓ = ℓ} {ℓ' = ℓ'} {ℓ'' = ℓ''} ca
Predicate = Predicate' {ℓ' = ℓ'} {ℓ'' = ℓ''}

module SyntaxΞ = Relational Ξ
open SyntaxΞ renaming (Formula to ΞFormula)

module SyntaxΞR = Relational (R ∷ Ξ)
open SyntaxΞR renaming (Formula to ΞRFormula)

module _ (Rsem : Predicate ⟨ ⟦ R ⟧ˢ ⟩) where

RΞsem : Semantics.RelationInterpretation {ℓ'' = ℓ''} ca (R ∷ Ξ)
RΞsem zero = Rsem
RΞsem (suc f) = Ξsem f

module InterpretationΞ = Interpretation Ξ Ξsem isNonTrivial
module InterpretationΞR = Interpretation (R ∷ Ξ) RΞsem isNonTrivial
module SoundnessΞ = Soundness {relSym = Ξ} isNonTrivial Ξsem
module SoundnessΞR = Soundness {relSym = R ∷ Ξ} isNonTrivial RΞsem

syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁺ : {Γ} : ⟨ ⟦ Γ ⟧ᶜ ⟩) (r : A) (f : ΞFormula Γ) ∣ InterpretationΞ.⟦ f ⟧ᶠ ∣ γ r r ⊩ ∣ InterpretationΞR.⟦ transportAlongWeakening f ⟧ᶠ ∣ γ
syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁻ : {Γ} : ⟨ ⟦ Γ ⟧ᶜ ⟩) (r : A) (f : ΞFormula Γ) r ⊩ ∣ InterpretationΞR.⟦ transportAlongWeakening f ⟧ᶠ ∣ γ r ⊩ ∣ InterpretationΞ.⟦ f ⟧ᶠ ∣ γ

syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁺ {Γ} γ r Relational.⊤ᵗ r⊩⟦f⟧Ξ = r⊩⟦f⟧Ξ
syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁺ {Γ} γ r (f Relational.`∨ f₁) r⊩⟦f⟧Ξ =
r⊩⟦f⟧Ξ >>=
λ { (inl (pr₁r≡k , pr₂r⊩⟦f⟧)) ∣ inl (pr₁r≡k , syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁺ γ (pr₂ ⨾ r) f pr₂r⊩⟦f⟧) ∣₁
; (inr (pr₁r≡k' , pr₂r⊩⟦f₁⟧)) ∣ inr (pr₁r≡k' , (syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁺ γ (pr₂ ⨾ r) f₁ pr₂r⊩⟦f₁⟧)) ∣₁ }
syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁺ {Γ} γ r (f Relational.`∧ f₁) (pr₁r⊩⟦f⟧ , pr₂r⊩⟦f₁⟧) =
syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁺ γ (pr₁ ⨾ r) f pr₁r⊩⟦f⟧ ,
syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁺ γ (pr₂ ⨾ r) f₁ pr₂r⊩⟦f₁⟧
syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁺ {Γ} γ r (f Relational.`→ f₁) r⊩⟦f⟧Ξ =
λ b b⊩⟦f⟧ΞR syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁺ γ (r ⨾ b) f₁ (r⊩⟦f⟧Ξ b (syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁻ γ b f b⊩⟦f⟧ΞR))
syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁺ {Γ} γ r (Relational.`¬ f) r⊩⟦f⟧Ξ = {!!}
syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁺ {Γ} γ r (Relational.`∃ f) r⊩⟦f⟧Ξ =
r⊩⟦f⟧Ξ >>=
λ { ((γ' , b) , γ'≡γ , r⊩⟦f⟧Ξγ'b) ∣ (γ' , b) , (γ'≡γ , (syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁺ (γ' , b) r f r⊩⟦f⟧Ξγ'b)) ∣₁ }
syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁺ {Γ} γ r (Relational.`∀ f) r⊩⟦f⟧Ξ =
λ { b (γ' , b') γ'≡γ syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁺ (γ' , b') (r ⨾ b) f (r⊩⟦f⟧Ξ b (γ' , b') γ'≡γ) }
syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁺ {Γ} γ r (Relational.rel Rsym t) r⊩⟦f⟧Ξ =
(λ R' r ⊩ ∣ R' ∣ (⟦ t ⟧ᵗ γ))
(sym (RΞsem (suc Rsym) ≡⟨ refl ⟩ (Ξsem Rsym ∎)))

syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁻ {Γ} γ r Relational.⊤ᵗ r⊩⟦f⟧ΞR = r⊩⟦f⟧ΞR
syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁻ {Γ} γ r (f Relational.`∨ f₁) r⊩⟦f⟧ΞR = {!!}
syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁻ {Γ} γ r (f Relational.`∧ f₁) r⊩⟦f⟧ΞR = {!!}
syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁻ {Γ} γ r (f Relational.`→ f₁) r⊩⟦f⟧ΞR = {!!}
syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁻ {Γ} γ r (Relational.`¬ f) r⊩⟦f⟧ΞR = {!!}
syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁻ {Γ} γ r (Relational.`∃ f) r⊩⟦f⟧ΞR = {!!}
syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁻ {Γ} γ r (Relational.`∀ f) r⊩⟦f⟧ΞR = {!!}
syntacticTransportPreservesRealizers⁻ {Γ} γ r (Relational.rel k₁ x) r⊩⟦f⟧ΞR = {!!}

transportPreservesHoldsInTripos : {Γ} (f : ΞFormula Γ) SoundnessΞ.holdsInTripos f SoundnessΞR.holdsInTripos (transportAlongWeakening f)
transportPreservesHoldsInTripos {Γ} f holds = {!!}


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