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Add universal properties of products
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rahulc29 committed Oct 27, 2023
1 parent 98ffe93 commit 32e5ccc
Showing 1 changed file with 66 additions and 6 deletions.
72 changes: 66 additions & 6 deletions src/Realizability/Assembly.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -308,12 +308,16 @@ module Realizability.Assembly {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (ca : CombinatoryAlgebra A) w
equalizerFactors : ((Z , zs) : Σ[ Z ∈ Type ℓ ] (Assembly Z))
(ι' : AssemblyMorphism zs as)
(ι' ⊚ f ≡ ι' ⊚ g)
∃![ univ ∈ AssemblyMorphism zs equalizer ] (univ ⊚ ιequalizer ≡ ι')
∃![ ! ∈ AssemblyMorphism zs equalizer ] (! ⊚ ιequalizer ≡ ι')
equalizerFactors (Z , zs) ι' ι'f≡ι'g =
uniqueExists (λ where
.map z ι' .map z , λ i ι'f≡ι'g i .map z
.tracker {!!})
{!!} {!!} {!!}
.tracker ι' .tracker)
(AssemblyMorphism≡ _ _ refl)
(λ ! isSetAssemblyMorphism _ _ (! ⊚ ιequalizer) ι')
λ !' !'⊚ι≡ι' AssemblyMorphism≡ _ _
(funExt λ z Σ≡Prop (λ x bs .isSetX (f .map x) (g .map x))
(λ i !'⊚ι≡ι' (~ i) .map z))

-- Exponential objects
_⇒_ : {A B : Type ℓ} (as : Assembly A) (bs : Assembly B) Assembly (AssemblyMorphism as bs)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -434,8 +438,64 @@ module Realizability.Assembly {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (ca : CombinatoryAlgebra A) w
uniqueExists (λ where
.map (z , x) (((λ where
.map x' f .map (z , x')
.tracker {!!})) , x)
.tracker do
(f~ , f~tracks) f .tracker
(z~ , z~realizes) zs .⊩surjective z
(s ⨾ (k ⨾ f~) ⨾ (s ⨾ (k ⨾ (pair ⨾ z~)) ⨾ Id)
, λ x aₓ aₓ⊩x
(λ k k ⊩Y (f .map (z , x)))
(sym (eq f~ f~tracks z (z~ , z~realizes) x aₓ aₓ⊩x))
(pair⨾z~⨾aₓtracks f~ f~tracks z (z~ , z~realizes) x aₓ aₓ⊩x))))
, x)
.tracker {!!})
(AssemblyMorphism≡ _ _ {!!})
-- No idea why they are definitionally equal
-- But ok
-- TODO : Understand why proof by computation works
(AssemblyMorphism≡ _ _ (funExt λ (z , x) refl))
(λ g' isSetAssemblyMorphism _ _ (g' ⊚ theEval) f)
λ g' g'⊚eval≡f AssemblyMorphism≡ _ _ (funExt {!!})
λ g' g'⊚eval≡f
AssemblyMorphism≡ _ _
(funExt λ (z , x)
ΣPathP ((AssemblyMorphism≡ _ _ (funExt (λ x' λ i {!!}))) , {!!})) where
_⊩X_ = xs ._⊩_
_⊩Y_ = ys ._⊩_
_⊩Z_ = zs ._⊩_
_⊩Z×X_ = (zs ⊗ xs) ._⊩_
Z×X = Z × X
module _ (f~ : A)
(f~tracks : ( (zx : Z×X) (r : A) (rRealizes : (r ⊩Z×X zx)) ((f~ ⨾ r) ⊩Y (f .map zx))))
(z : Z)
(zRealizer : Σ[ z~ ∈ A ] (z~ ⊩Z z))
(x : X)
(aₓ : A)
(aₓ⊩x : aₓ ⊩X x) where
z~ : A
z~ = zRealizer .fst
z~realizes = zRealizer .snd

eq : s ⨾ (k ⨾ f~) ⨾ (s ⨾ (k ⨾ (pair ⨾ z~)) ⨾ Id) ⨾ aₓ ≡ f~ ⨾ (pair ⨾ z~ ⨾ aₓ)
eq =
s ⨾ (k ⨾ f~) ⨾ (s ⨾ (k ⨾ (pair ⨾ z~)) ⨾ Id) ⨾ aₓ
≡⟨ sabc≡ac_bc _ _ _ ⟩
(k ⨾ f~ ⨾ aₓ) ⨾ (s ⨾ (k ⨾ (pair ⨾ z~)) ⨾ Id ⨾ aₓ)
≡⟨ cong (λ x x ⨾ (s ⨾ (k ⨾ (pair ⨾ z~)) ⨾ Id ⨾ aₓ)) (kab≡a f~ aₓ) ⟩
f~ ⨾ (s ⨾ (k ⨾ (pair ⨾ z~)) ⨾ Id ⨾ aₓ)
≡⟨ cong (λ x f~ ⨾ x) (sabc≡ac_bc _ _ _) ⟩
f~ ⨾ ((k ⨾ (pair ⨾ z~) ⨾ aₓ) ⨾ (Id ⨾ aₓ))
≡⟨ cong (λ x f~ ⨾ (x ⨾ (Id ⨾ aₓ))) (kab≡a (pair ⨾ z~) aₓ) ⟩
f~ ⨾ (pair ⨾ z~ ⨾ (Id ⨾ aₓ))
≡⟨ cong (λ x f~ ⨾ (pair ⨾ z~ ⨾ x)) (Ida≡a aₓ) ⟩
f~ ⨾ (pair ⨾ z~ ⨾ aₓ)

pair⨾z~⨾aₓtracks : (f~ ⨾ (pair ⨾ z~ ⨾ aₓ)) ⊩Y (f .map (z , x))
pair⨾z~⨾aₓtracks =
(z , x)
(pair ⨾ z~ ⨾ aₓ)
( (subst (λ y y ⊩Z z) (sym (pr₁pxy≡x z~ aₓ)) z~realizes)
, (subst (λ y y ⊩X x) (sym (pr₂pxy≡y z~ aₓ)) aₓ⊩x))

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