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rahulc29 committed Jul 7, 2024
1 parent 0c8e626 commit 75c6f59
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Showing 4 changed files with 250 additions and 115 deletions.
99 changes: 15 additions & 84 deletions src/Realizability/Modest/GenericUniformFamily.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ open import Realizability.Modest.Base ca
open import Realizability.Modest.UniformFamily ca
open import Realizability.Modest.CanonicalPER ca
open import Realizability.Modest.UnresizedGeneric ca
open import Realizability.Modest.SubquotientUniformFamily ca resizing
open import Realizability.PERs.PER ca
open import Realizability.PERs.ResizedPER ca resizing
open import Realizability.PERs.SubQuotient ca
Expand All @@ -46,100 +47,30 @@ open Contravariant UNIMOD
open UniformFamily
open DisplayedUFamMap

uniformFamilyCleavage : cleavage
uniformFamilyCleavage {X , asmX} {Y , asmY} f N =
N' , fᴰ , cartfᴰ where
N' : UniformFamily asmX
UniformFamily.carriers N' x = N .carriers (f .map x)
UniformFamily.assemblies N' x = N .assemblies (f .map x)
UniformFamily.isModestFamily N' x = N .isModestFamily (f .map x)

fᴰ : DisplayedUFamMap asmX asmY f N' N
DisplayedUFamMap.fibrewiseMap fᴰ x Nfx = Nfx
DisplayedUFamMap.isTracked fᴰ =
realizer : Term as 2
realizer = # zero
(λ*2 realizer ,
(λ x a a⊩x Nfx b b⊩Nfx
(_⊩[ N .assemblies (f .map x) ] Nfx)
(sym (λ*2ComputationRule realizer a b))

unfolding isCartesian'
cart'fᴰ : isCartesian' f fᴰ
cart'fᴰ {Z , asmZ} {M} g hᴰ =
(! , !⋆fᴰ≡hᴰ) ,
λ { (!' , !'comm)
(λ ! UNIMOD .Categoryᴰ.isSetHomᴰ _ _)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
λ z Mz
(!' .fibrewiseMap z Mz
≡[ i ]⟨ !'comm i .fibrewiseMap z Mz ⟩
hᴰ .fibrewiseMap z Mz
∎)) } where
! : DisplayedUFamMap asmZ asmX g M N'
DisplayedUFamMap.fibrewiseMap ! z Mz = hᴰ .fibrewiseMap z Mz
DisplayedUFamMap.isTracked ! = hᴰ .isTracked

!⋆fᴰ≡hᴰ : composeDisplayedUFamMap asmZ asmX asmY g f M N' N ! fᴰ ≡ hᴰ
!⋆fᴰ≡hᴰ =
asmZ asmY _ _
(composeDisplayedUFamMap asmZ asmX asmY g f M N' N ! fᴰ) hᴰ refl
λ z Mz refl

cartfᴰ : isCartesian f fᴰ
cartfᴰ = isCartesian'→isCartesian f fᴰ cart'fᴰ

∇PER = ∇ ⟅ ResizedPER , isSetResizedPER ⟆
asm∇PER = ∇PER .snd
∇PER = ∇ ⟅ ResizedPER , isSetResizedPER ⟆
asm∇PER = ∇PER .snd

genericUniformFamily : GenericObject UNIMOD
GenericObject.base genericUniformFamily = ∇PER
UniformFamily.carriers (GenericObject.displayed genericUniformFamily) per = subQuotient (enlargePER per)
UniformFamily.assemblies (GenericObject.displayed genericUniformFamily) per = subQuotientAssembly (enlargePER per)
UniformFamily.isModestFamily (GenericObject.displayed genericUniformFamily) per = isModestSubQuotientAssembly (enlargePER per)
GenericObject.displayed genericUniformFamily = subQuotientUniformFamily
GenericObject.isGeneric genericUniformFamily {X , asmX} M =
f , fᴰ , isCartesian'→isCartesian f fᴰ cart' where

f : AssemblyMorphism asmX asm∇PER f x = shrinkPER (canonicalPER (M .assemblies x) (M .isModestFamily x))
AssemblyMorphism.tracker f = return (k , (λ _ _ _ tt*))
f = classifyingMap M

subQuotientCod≡ : per subQuotient (enlargePER (shrinkPER per)) ≡ subQuotient per
subQuotientCod≡ per = cong subQuotient (enlargePER⋆shrinkPER≡id per)

fᴰ : DisplayedUFamMap asmX asm∇PER f M (genericUniformFamily .GenericObject.displayed)
DisplayedUFamMap.fibrewiseMap fᴰ x Mx =
(canonicalPER (M .assemblies x) (M .isModestFamily x))))
(Unresized.mainMap resizing asmX M x Mx)
DisplayedUFamMap.isTracked fᴰ =
(λ*2 (# one) ,
(λ x a a⊩x Mx b b⊩Mx
(propTruncIdempotent≃ {!!})
(r , r⊩mainMap) Unresized.isTrackedMainMap resizing asmX M
return {!!})))
unfolding Unresized.mainMap
fᴰ : DisplayedUFamMap asmX asm∇PER f M (genericUniformFamily .GenericObject.displayed)
fᴰ = classifyingMapᴰ M

unfolding isCartesian'
cart' : isCartesian' f fᴰ
cart' {Y , asmY} {N} g hᴰ = {!!}
cart' {Y , asmY} {N} g hᴰ =
(! , {!!}) , {!!} where
! : DisplayedUFamMap asmY asmX g N M
DisplayedUFamMap.fibrewiseMap ! y Ny = {!hᴰ .fibrewiseMap y Ny!}
DisplayedUFamMap.isTracked ! = {!!}

100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions src/Realizability/Modest/SubquotientUniformFamily.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Powerset
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure using (⟨_⟩; str)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.FinData
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT hiding (map)
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Monad
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as SQ
open import Cubical.Reflection.RecordEquiv
open import Cubical.Categories.Category
open import Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Reasoning
open import Cubical.Categories.Limits.Pullback
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor hiding (Id)
open import Cubical.Categories.Constructions.Slice
open import Categories.CartesianMorphism
open import Categories.GenericObject
open import Realizability.CombinatoryAlgebra
open import Realizability.ApplicativeStructure
open import Realizability.PropResizing

module Realizability.Modest.SubquotientUniformFamily {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (ca : CombinatoryAlgebra A) (resizing : hPropResizing ℓ) where

open import Realizability.Assembly.Base ca
open import Realizability.Assembly.Morphism ca
open import Realizability.Assembly.Terminal ca
open import Realizability.Assembly.SetsReflectiveSubcategory ca
open import Realizability.Modest.Base ca
open import Realizability.Modest.UniformFamily ca
open import Realizability.Modest.CanonicalPER ca
open import Realizability.Modest.UnresizedGeneric ca
open import Realizability.PERs.PER ca
open import Realizability.PERs.ResizedPER ca resizing
open import Realizability.PERs.SubQuotient ca

open Assembly
open CombinatoryAlgebra ca
open Realizability.CombinatoryAlgebra.Combinators ca renaming (i to Id; ia≡a to Ida≡a)
open Contravariant UNIMOD
open UniformFamily
open DisplayedUFamMap

∇PER = ∇ ⟅ ResizedPER , isSetResizedPER ⟆
asm∇PER = ∇PER .snd

-- G over ∇PER
subQuotientUniformFamily : UniformFamily asm∇PER
UniformFamily.carriers subQuotientUniformFamily per = subQuotient (enlargePER per)
UniformFamily.assemblies subQuotientUniformFamily per = subQuotientAssembly (enlargePER per)
UniformFamily.isModestFamily subQuotientUniformFamily per = isModestSubQuotientAssembly (enlargePER per)

-- For any uniform family M over X
-- there is a map to the canonical uniform family G over ∇PER
module _
{X : Type ℓ}
{asmX : Assembly X}
(M : UniformFamily asmX) where

classifyingMap : AssemblyMorphism asmX asm∇PER classifyingMap x = shrinkPER (canonicalPER (M .assemblies x) (M .isModestFamily x))
AssemblyMorphism.tracker classifyingMap = return (k , (λ _ _ _ tt*))

unfolding Unresized.mainMap
classifyingMapᴰ : DisplayedUFamMap asmX asm∇PER classifyingMap M subQuotientUniformFamily
DisplayedUFamMap.fibrewiseMap classifyingMapᴰ x Mx =
(canonicalPER (M .assemblies x) (M .isModestFamily x))))
(Unresized.mainMap resizing asmX M x Mx .fst)
DisplayedUFamMap.isTracked classifyingMapᴰ =
((λ*2 (# zero)) ,
(λ x a a⊩x Mx b b⊩Mx
-- Is there a way to do this that avoids transp ?
-- This really eats type-checking time
(λ i
(canonicalPER (M .assemblies x) (M .isModestFamily x)) (~ i))
(λ*2 (# zero) ⨾ a ⨾ b)
(canonicalPER (M .assemblies x) (M .isModestFamily x))))
(Unresized.mainMap resizing asmX M x Mx .fst) i)
⟩) i0 (Unresized.mainMap resizing asmX M x Mx .snd a a⊩x b b⊩Mx)))

100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions src/Realizability/Modest/UniformFamilyCleavage.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
open import Cubical.Foundations.HLevels
open import Cubical.Foundations.Isomorphism
open import Cubical.Foundations.Function
open import Cubical.Foundations.Equiv
open import Cubical.Foundations.Powerset
open import Cubical.Foundations.Path
open import Cubical.Foundations.Structure using (⟨_⟩; str)
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma
open import Cubical.Data.FinData
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation as PT hiding (map)
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Monad
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients as SQ
open import Cubical.Reflection.RecordEquiv
open import Cubical.Categories.Category
open import Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Base
open import Cubical.Categories.Displayed.Reasoning
open import Cubical.Categories.Limits.Pullback
open import Cubical.Categories.Functor hiding (Id)
open import Cubical.Categories.Constructions.Slice
open import Categories.CartesianMorphism
open import Categories.GenericObject
open import Realizability.CombinatoryAlgebra
open import Realizability.ApplicativeStructure
open import Realizability.PropResizing

module Realizability.Modest.UniformFamilyCleavage {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} (ca : CombinatoryAlgebra A) where

open import Realizability.Assembly.Base ca
open import Realizability.Assembly.Morphism ca
open import Realizability.Assembly.Terminal ca
open import Realizability.Assembly.SetsReflectiveSubcategory ca
open import Realizability.Modest.Base ca
open import Realizability.Modest.UniformFamily ca
open import Realizability.Modest.CanonicalPER ca
open import Realizability.Modest.UnresizedGeneric ca
open import Realizability.PERs.PER ca
open import Realizability.PERs.SubQuotient ca

open Assembly
open CombinatoryAlgebra ca
open Realizability.CombinatoryAlgebra.Combinators ca renaming (i to Id; ia≡a to Ida≡a)
open Contravariant UNIMOD
open UniformFamily
open DisplayedUFamMap

uniformFamilyCleavage : cleavage
uniformFamilyCleavage {X , asmX} {Y , asmY} f N =
N' , fᴰ , cartfᴰ where
N' : UniformFamily asmX
UniformFamily.carriers N' x = N .carriers (f .map x)
UniformFamily.assemblies N' x = N .assemblies (f .map x)
UniformFamily.isModestFamily N' x = N .isModestFamily (f .map x)

fᴰ : DisplayedUFamMap asmX asmY f N' N
DisplayedUFamMap.fibrewiseMap fᴰ x Nfx = Nfx
DisplayedUFamMap.isTracked fᴰ =
realizer : Term as 2
realizer = # zero
(λ*2 realizer ,
(λ x a a⊩x Nfx b b⊩Nfx
(_⊩[ N .assemblies (f .map x) ] Nfx)
(sym (λ*2ComputationRule realizer a b))

unfolding isCartesian'
cart'fᴰ : isCartesian' f fᴰ
cart'fᴰ {Z , asmZ} {M} g hᴰ =
(! , !⋆fᴰ≡hᴰ) ,
λ { (!' , !'comm)
(λ ! UNIMOD .Categoryᴰ.isSetHomᴰ _ _)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
λ z Mz
(!' .fibrewiseMap z Mz
≡[ i ]⟨ !'comm i .fibrewiseMap z Mz ⟩
hᴰ .fibrewiseMap z Mz
∎)) } where
! : DisplayedUFamMap asmZ asmX g M N'
DisplayedUFamMap.fibrewiseMap ! z Mz = hᴰ .fibrewiseMap z Mz
DisplayedUFamMap.isTracked ! = hᴰ .isTracked

!⋆fᴰ≡hᴰ : composeDisplayedUFamMap asmZ asmX asmY g f M N' N ! fᴰ ≡ hᴰ
!⋆fᴰ≡hᴰ =
asmZ asmY _ _
(composeDisplayedUFamMap asmZ asmX asmY g f M N' N ! fᴰ) hᴰ refl
λ z Mz refl

cartfᴰ : isCartesian f fᴰ
cartfᴰ = isCartesian'→isCartesian f fᴰ cart'fᴰ
66 changes: 35 additions & 31 deletions src/Realizability/Modest/UnresizedGeneric.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,36 +53,40 @@ module Unresized
theCanonicalPER : x PER
theCanonicalPER x = canonicalPER (M . assemblies x) (M .isModestFamily x)

elimRealizerForMx : {x : X} {Mx : M .carriers x} Σ[ a ∈ A ] (a ⊩[ M .assemblies x ] Mx) subQuotient (canonicalPER (M .assemblies x) (M .isModestFamily x))
elimRealizerForMx {x} {Mx} (a , a⊩Mx) = [ a , (return (Mx , a⊩Mx , a⊩Mx)) ]

elimRealizerForMx2Constant : {x Mx} 2-Constant (elimRealizerForMx {x} {Mx})
elimRealizerForMx2Constant {x} {Mx} (a , a⊩Mx) (b , b⊩Mx) =
(a , (return (Mx , a⊩Mx , a⊩Mx)))
(b , return (Mx , b⊩Mx , b⊩Mx))
(return (Mx , a⊩Mx , b⊩Mx))
elimRealizerForMx : (x : X) (Mx : M .carriers x) Σ[ a ∈ A ] (a ⊩[ M .assemblies x ] Mx) subQuotient (canonicalPER (M .assemblies x) (M .isModestFamily x))
elimRealizerForMx x Mx (a , a⊩Mx) = [ a , (return (Mx , a⊩Mx , a⊩Mx)) ]

mainMap : (x : X) (Mx : M .carriers x) subQuotient (canonicalPER (M .assemblies x) (M .isModestFamily x))
mainMap x Mx =
(elimRealizerForMx {x = x} {Mx = Mx})
(elimRealizerForMx2Constant {x = x} {Mx = Mx})
(M .assemblies x .⊩surjective Mx)

isTrackedMainMap : ∃[ r ∈ A ] ( (x : X) (a : A) a ⊩[ asmX ] x (Mx : M .carriers x) (b : A) b ⊩[ M .assemblies x ] Mx (r ⨾ a ⨾ b) ⊩[ subQuotientAssembly (theCanonicalPER x) ] (mainMap x Mx))
isTrackedMainMap =
((λ*2 (# zero)) ,
(λ x a a⊩x Mx b b⊩Mx
{P = λ MxRealizer (λ*2 (# zero) ⨾ a ⨾ b) ⊩[ subQuotientAssembly (theCanonicalPER x) ] (PT.rec→Set squash/ (elimRealizerForMx {x = x} {Mx = Mx}) (elimRealizerForMx2Constant {x = x} {Mx = Mx}) MxRealizer)}
(λ ⊩Mx subQuotientAssembly (theCanonicalPER x) .⊩isPropValued (λ*2 (# zero) ⨾ a ⨾ b) (rec→Set squash/ elimRealizerForMx elimRealizerForMx2Constant ⊩Mx))
(λ { (c , c⊩Mx)
(_⊩[ subQuotientAssembly (theCanonicalPER x) ] (elimRealizerForMx (c , c⊩Mx)))
(sym (λ*2ComputationRule (# zero) a b))
(return (Mx , b⊩Mx , c⊩Mx))})
(M .assemblies x .⊩surjective Mx)))
elimRealizerForMx2Constant : x Mx 2-Constant (elimRealizerForMx x Mx)
elimRealizerForMx2Constant x Mx (a , a⊩Mx) (b , b⊩Mx) =
(a , (return (Mx , a⊩Mx , a⊩Mx)))
(b , return (Mx , b⊩Mx , b⊩Mx))
(return (Mx , a⊩Mx , b⊩Mx))

mainMapType : Type _
mainMapType =
(x : X) (Mx : M .carriers x)
Σ[ out ∈ (subQuotient (canonicalPER (M .assemblies x) (M .isModestFamily x))) ]
( (a : A) a ⊩[ asmX ] x (b : A) b ⊩[ M .assemblies x ] Mx (λ*2 (# zero) ⨾ a ⨾ b) ⊩[ subQuotientAssembly (theCanonicalPER x) ] out)

mainMap : mainMapType
mainMap x Mx =
(λ out
λ a a⊩x b
(subQuotientRealizability (theCanonicalPER x) (λ*2 (# zero) ⨾ a ⨾ b) out)))))
((λ { (c , c⊩Mx)
(elimRealizerForMx x Mx (c , c⊩Mx)) ,
(λ a a⊩x b b⊩Mx
subst (_⊩[ subQuotientAssembly (theCanonicalPER x) ] (elimRealizerForMx x Mx (c , c⊩Mx))) (sym (λ*2ComputationRule (# zero) a b)) (return (Mx , b⊩Mx , c⊩Mx))) }))
(λ { (a , a⊩Mx) (b , b⊩Mx)
Σ≡Prop (λ out isPropΠ4 λ a a⊩x b b⊩Mx str (subQuotientRealizability (theCanonicalPER x) (λ*2 (# zero) ⨾ a ⨾ b) out)) (elimRealizerForMx2Constant x Mx (a , a⊩Mx) (b , b⊩Mx)) })
(M .assemblies x .⊩surjective Mx)

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