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rahulc29 committed Feb 8, 2024
1 parent 1019d79 commit bce456a
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Showing 2 changed files with 122 additions and 104 deletions.
198 changes: 114 additions & 84 deletions src/Realizability/Topos/FunctionalRelation.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ open import Cubical.Data.Empty
open import Cubical.Data.Unit
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation
open import Cubical.HITs.PropositionalTruncation.Monad
open import Cubical.HITs.SetQuotients
open import Cubical.Categories.Category

module Realizability.Topos.FunctionalRelation
{ℓ ℓ' ℓ''}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,16 +92,12 @@ record FunctionalRelation (X Y : Type ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max (ℓ-suc
yˢᵗ : Term strictnessContext `Y
yˢᵗ = var y∈strictnessContext

-- F : Rel X Y, _~X_ : Rel X X, _~Y_ : Rel Y Y ⊢ F(x ,y) (x ~X x) ∧ (y ~Y y)
strictnessPrequantFormula : Formula strictnessContext
strictnessPrequantFormula = rel `F (xˢᵗ `, yˢᵗ) `→ (rel `~X (xˢᵗ `, xˢᵗ) `∧ rel `~Y (yˢᵗ `, yˢᵗ))

strictnessFormula : Formula []
strictnessFormula = `∀ (`∀ strictnessPrequantFormula)
-- F : Rel X Y, _~X_ : Rel X X, _~Y_ : Rel Y Y ⊢ F(x ,y) (x ~X x) ∧ (y ~Y y)
strictnessFormula : Formula strictnessContext
strictnessFormula = rel `F (xˢᵗ `, yˢᵗ) `→ (rel `~X (xˢᵗ `, xˢᵗ) `∧ rel `~Y (yˢᵗ `, yˢᵗ))

strictnessWitness : A
isStrict : strictnessWitness ⊩ ⟦ strictnessFormula ⟧ᶠ
isStrict : holdsInTripos strictnessFormula

-- # Relational
-- The functional relation preserves equality
Expand All @@ -126,15 +124,11 @@ record FunctionalRelation (X Y : Type ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max (ℓ-suc
y₁ = var y₁∈relationalContext
y₂ = var y₂∈relationalContext

relationalPrequantFormula : Formula relationalContext
relationalPrequantFormula = (rel `F (x₁ `, y₁) `∧ (rel `~X (x₁ `, x₂) `∧ rel `~Y (y₁ `, y₂))) `→ rel `F (x₂ `, y₂)

relationalFormula : Formula []
relationalFormula = `∀ (`∀ (`∀ (`∀ relationalPrequantFormula)))
relationalFormula : Formula relationalContext
relationalFormula = (rel `F (x₁ `, y₁) `∧ (rel `~X (x₁ `, x₂) `∧ rel `~Y (y₁ `, y₂))) `→ rel `F (x₂ `, y₂)

relationalWitness : A
isRelational : relationalWitness ⊩ ⟦ relationalFormula ⟧ᶠ
isRelational : holdsInTripos relationalFormula

-- # Single-valued
-- Self explanatory
Expand All @@ -156,16 +150,12 @@ record FunctionalRelation (X Y : Type ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max (ℓ-suc
y₁ˢᵛ = var y₁∈singleValuedContext
y₂ˢᵛ = var y₂∈singleValuedContext

singleValuedPrequantFormula : Formula singleValuedContext
singleValuedPrequantFormula =
(rel `F (xˢᵛ `, y₁ˢᵛ) `∧ rel `F (xˢᵛ `, y₂ˢᵛ)) `→ rel `~Y (y₁ˢᵛ `, y₂ˢᵛ)

singleValuedFormula : Formula []
singleValuedFormula = `∀ (`∀ (`∀ singleValuedPrequantFormula))
singleValuedFormula : Formula singleValuedContext
singleValuedFormula =
(rel `F (xˢᵛ `, y₁ˢᵛ) `∧ rel `F (xˢᵛ `, y₂ˢᵛ)) `→ rel `~Y (y₁ˢᵛ `, y₂ˢᵛ)

singleValuedWitness : A
isSingleValued : singleValuedWitness ⊩ ⟦ singleValuedFormula ⟧ᶠ
isSingleValued : holdsInTripos singleValuedFormula

-- # Total
-- For all existent elements in the domain x there is an element in the codomain y
Expand All @@ -180,20 +170,16 @@ record FunctionalRelation (X Y : Type ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max (ℓ-suc

xᵗˡ = var x∈totalContext

totalPrequantFormula : Formula totalContext
totalPrequantFormula = rel `~X (xᵗˡ `, xᵗˡ) `→ `∃ (rel `F (renamingTerm (drop id) xᵗˡ `, var here))

totalFormula : Formula []
totalFormula = `∀ totalPrequantFormula
totalFormula : Formula totalContext
totalFormula = rel `~X (xᵗˡ `, xᵗˡ) `→ `∃ (rel `F (renamingTerm (drop id) xᵗˡ `, var here))

totalWitness : A
isTotal : totalWitness ⊩ ⟦ totalFormula ⟧ᶠ
isTotal : holdsInTripos totalFormula

open FunctionalRelation hiding (`X; `Y)

pointwiseEntailment : {X Y : Type ℓ'} FunctionalRelation X Y FunctionalRelation X Y Type _
pointwiseEntailment {X} {Y} F G = ∃[ a ∈ A ] (a ⊩ ⟦ entailmentFormula ⟧ᶠ) where
pointwiseEntailment {X} {Y} F G = holdsInTripos entailmentFormula where

`X : Sort
`Y : Sort
Expand All @@ -215,6 +201,9 @@ pointwiseEntailment {X} {Y} F G = ∃[ a ∈ A ] (a ⊩ ⟦ entailmentFormula
module RelationalInterpretation = Interpretation relationSymbols (λ { fzero F .relation ; one G .relation }) isNonTrivial
open RelationalInterpretation

module RelationalSoundness = Soundness {relSym = relationSymbols} isNonTrivial (λ { fzero F .relation ; one G .relation })
open RelationalSoundness

entailmentContext : Context
entailmentContext = [] ′ `X ′ `Y

Expand All @@ -227,19 +216,16 @@ pointwiseEntailment {X} {Y} F G = ∃[ a ∈ A ] (a ⊩ ⟦ entailmentFormula
x = var x∈entailmentContext
y = var y∈entailmentContext

entailmentPrequantFormula : Formula entailmentContext
entailmentPrequantFormula = rel `F (x `, y) `→ rel `G (x `, y)

entailmentFormula : Formula []
entailmentFormula = `∀ (`∀ entailmentPrequantFormula)

entailmentFormula : Formula entailmentContext
entailmentFormula = rel `F (x `, y) `→ rel `G (x `, y)

functionalRelationIsomorphism : {X Y : Type ℓ'} FunctionalRelation X Y FunctionalRelation X Y Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max ℓ ℓ') ℓ'')
functionalRelationIsomorphism {X} {Y} F G =
pointwiseEntailment F G × pointwiseEntailment G F

pointwiseEntailment→functionalRelationIsomorphism : {X Y : Type ℓ'} (F G : FunctionalRelation X Y) pointwiseEntailment F G functionalRelationIsomorphism F G
pointwiseEntailment→functionalRelationIsomorphism {X} {Y} F G F≤G = F≤G , {!!} where
pointwiseEntailment→functionalRelationIsomorphism {X} {Y} F G F≤G = F≤G , G≤F where

`X : Sort
`Y : Sort
Expand All @@ -265,53 +251,97 @@ pointwiseEntailment→functionalRelationIsomorphism {X} {Y} F G F≤G = F≤G ,
open Interpretation relationSymbols (λ { fzero F .relation ; one G .relation ; two F .perX ._~_ ; three G .perY ._~_}) isNonTrivial
open Soundness {relSym = relationSymbols} isNonTrivial ((λ { fzero F .relation ; one G .relation ; two F .perX ._~_ ; three G .perY ._~_}))
open Relational relationSymbols

-- What we need to prove is that
-- F ≤ G ⊨ G ≤ F
-- We will use the semantic combinators we borrowed from the 1lab
-- We know that a ⊩ F ≤ G
-- or in other words
-- a ⊩ ∀ x. ∀ y. F(x , y) → G(x ,y)

-- We will firstly use the introduction rule
-- for ∀ to get an x : X and a y : Y in context
proof : pointwiseEntailment G F
proof =
(a , a⊩F≤G) F≤G
context : Context
context = [] ′ `X ′ `Y

x : Term context `X
x = var (there here)

y : Term context `Y
y = var here
(b , b⊩)
= []}
= ⊤ᵗ}
{B = `X}
`∀ {B = `Y}
(rel `G (x `, y) `→ rel `F (x `, y))}
= [] ′ `X}
= ⊤ᵗ}
{B = `Y}
= rel `G (x `, y) `→ rel `F (x `, y)}
= context}
= ⊤ᵗ}
= rel `G (x `, y)}
= rel `F (x `, y)}
= context}
= ⊤ᵗ `∧ rel `G (x `, y)}
= rel `~X (x `, x)}
= rel `F (x `, y)}
return (b , {!b⊩!})

entailmentContext : Context
entailmentContext = [] ′ `X ′ `Y

x : Term entailmentContext `X
x = var (there here)

y : Term entailmentContext `Y
y = var here

G⊨x~x : (⊤ᵗ `∧ rel `G (x `, y)) ⊨ rel `~X (x `, x)
G⊨x~x =
= entailmentContext}
= ⊤ᵗ `∧ (rel `G (x `, y))}
= rel `G (x `, y)}
= rel `~X (x `, x)}
{!G .isStrict!}

⊤∧G⊨F : (⊤ᵗ `∧ rel `G (x `, y)) ⊨ rel `F (x `, y)
⊤∧G⊨F = cut {Γ = entailmentContext} {ϕ = ⊤ᵗ `∧ rel `G (x `, y)} {ψ = rel `~X (x `, x)}
= rel `F (x `, y)}

G≤F : pointwiseEntailment G F
G≤F = `→intro {Γ = entailmentContext} {ϕ = ⊤ᵗ} {ψ = rel `G (x `, y)} {θ = rel `F (x `, y)} ⊤∧G⊨F

RTMorphism : (X Y : Type ℓ') Type _
RTMorphism X Y = FunctionalRelation X Y / λ F G functionalRelationIsomorphism F G

RTObject : Type _
RTObject = Σ[ X ∈ Type ℓ' ] PartialEquivalenceRelation X

idMorphism : (ob : RTObject) RTMorphism (ob .fst) (ob .fst)
idMorphism ob =
[ record
{ perX = ob .snd
; perY = ob .snd
; relation = ob .snd ._~_
; isStrict = {!!}
; isRelational = {!!}
; isSingleValued = {!!}
; isTotal = {!!}
} ] where

`X : Sort
`X = ↑ (ob .fst , ob .snd .isSetX)

relationSymbols : Vec Sort 3
relationSymbols = (`X `× `X) ∷ (`X `× `X) ∷ (`X `× `X) ∷ []

open Interpretation relationSymbols (λ { fzero ob .snd ._~_ ; one ob .snd ._~_ ; two ob .snd ._~_ }) isNonTrivial
open Soundness {relSym = relationSymbols} isNonTrivial (λ { fzero ob .snd ._~_ ; one ob .snd ._~_ ; two ob .snd ._~_ })
open Relational relationSymbols

isStrictContext : Context
isStrictContext = [] ′ `X ′ `X

isStrictId : holdsInTripos (rel fzero (var (there here) `, var here) `→ (rel one (var (there here) `, var here) `∧ rel two (var (there here) `, var here)))
isStrictId =
= isStrictContext}
= ⊤ᵗ}
= rel fzero (var (there here) `, var here)}
= rel one (var (there here) `, var here) `∧ rel two (var (there here) `, var here)}
= isStrictContext}
= ⊤ᵗ `∧ rel fzero (var (there here) `, var here)}
= rel one (var (there here) `, var here)}
= rel two (var (there here) `, var here)}
= isStrictContext}
= ⊤ᵗ}
= rel fzero (var (there here) `, var here)}
= rel one (var (there here) `, var here)}

RT : Category (ℓ-max (ℓ-max (ℓ-suc ℓ) (ℓ-suc ℓ')) (ℓ-suc ℓ'')) ((ℓ-max (ℓ-max (ℓ-suc ℓ) (ℓ-suc ℓ')) (ℓ-suc ℓ'')))
Category.ob RT = Σ[ X ∈ Type ℓ' ] PartialEquivalenceRelation X
Category.Hom[_,_] RT (X , perX) (Y , perY) = RTMorphism X Y RT {X , perX} = {!!}
Category._⋆_ RT = {!!}
Category.⋆IdL RT = {!!}
Category.⋆IdR RT = {!!}
Category.⋆Assoc RT = {!!}
Category.isSetHom RT = {!!}
28 changes: 8 additions & 20 deletions src/Realizability/Topos/Object.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,9 +25,7 @@ open Predicate' renaming (isSetX to isSetPredicateBase)
open PredicateProperties
open Morphism

_⊩_ : a (P : Predicate' {ℓ' = ℓ'} {ℓ'' = ℓ''} Unit*) Type _
a ⊩ P = a pre⊩ ∣ P ∣ tt*
Predicate = Predicate' {ℓ' = ℓ'} {ℓ'' = ℓ''}

record PartialEquivalenceRelation (X : Type ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max (ℓ-suc ℓ) (ℓ-suc ℓ')) (ℓ-suc ℓ'')) where
Expand All @@ -42,7 +40,7 @@ record PartialEquivalenceRelation (X : Type ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max (ℓ-
~relSym : Vec Sort 1
~relSym = `X×X ∷ []

module X×XRelational = Relational ~relSym
module X×XRelational = Relational {n = 1} ~relSym
open X×XRelational

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,16 +74,11 @@ record PartialEquivalenceRelation (X : Type ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max (ℓ-
: Term symContext `X
= var y∈symContext

symPrequantFormula : Formula symContext
symPrequantFormula = rel fzero (xˢ `, yˢ) `→ rel fzero (yˢ `, xˢ)

-- ~ ⊢ ∀ x. ∀ y. x ~ y → y ~ x
symFormula : Formula []
symFormula = `∀ (`∀ symPrequantFormula)
symmetryFormula : Formula symContext
symmetryFormula = rel fzero (xˢ `, yˢ) `→ rel fzero (yˢ `, xˢ)

symWitness : A
symIsWitnessed : symWitness ⊩ ⟦ symFormula ⟧ᶠ
symmetry : holdsInTripos symmetryFormula

transContext : Context
Expand All @@ -109,14 +102,9 @@ record PartialEquivalenceRelation (X : Type ℓ') : Type (ℓ-max (ℓ-max (ℓ-
xᵗ : Term transContext `X
xᵗ = var x∈transContext

-- ~ : Rel X X, x : X, y : X, z : X ⊢ x ~ y ∧ y ~ z x ~ z
transPrequantFormula : Formula transContext
transPrequantFormula = (rel fzero (xᵗ `, yᵗ) `∧ rel fzero (yᵗ `, zᵗ)) `→ rel fzero (xᵗ `, zᵗ)

transFormula : Formula []
transFormula = `∀ (`∀ (`∀ transPrequantFormula))
transitivityFormula : Formula transContext
transitivityFormula = (rel fzero (xᵗ `, yᵗ) `∧ rel fzero (yᵗ `, zᵗ)) `→ rel fzero (xᵗ `, zᵗ)

transWitness : A
transIsWitnessed : transWitness ⊩ ⟦ transFormula ⟧ᶠ
transitivity : holdsInTripos transitivityFormula

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