qjs-sqlite3 is a simple interface to sqlite3 from quickjs https://bellard.org/quickjs/.
This has only been run on Linux x86_64 (Fedora 31).
See test.js for simple example and testing.
Use new sqlite3_db("db") to get a handle to the open db.
import { sqlite3_db } from "./sqlite3.so";
db = new sqlite3_db("db);
db.close(); // close db
db.errmsg(); // last error message from sqlite3
st = db.prepare("sql"); // prepare statement
db.exec("sql"); // non-parameter sql
db.last_insert_rowid(); // return last insert rowid
st.clear_bindings(); // clear bindings
st.reset(); // reset statement
st.finalize(); // finalize (free) statement
st.step(); // step statement (returns "row", "done", "busy", null)
st.bind_parameter_count(); // bind parameter count
st.bind_parameter_name(n); // name for parameter n (1..)
st.bind_parameter_index(name); // index for parameter name
st.bind(n, value); // bind parameter n to value
st.column_count(); // result column count
st.column_name(n); // column name for n (0..)
st.column_text(n); // column n as text
st.column_value(n); // column n value
Installing qjs-sqlite3 is easy.
import { sqlite3_db } from "./sqlite3.so";
- Wed Feb 12 15:51:56 EST 2020
- initial release
- Small subset of sqlite3 API supported.
- Synchronous interface
- Needs testing