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Ricardo Souza edited this page Feb 28, 2018 · 2 revisions

How to use:

This lib requires LCID (Locale Code IDentifier) property of your ASP application before use.
You can do this by setting >the LCID in one of the following ways:

  • On the page declaration at the top of the page to set it to the entire page (eg.: <%@ LCID=1043 %> ), OR
  • On the Session object to set it to all pages in the entire session (eg.: Session.LCID = 1043 ), OR
  • On the Response object, before using the class, to set it beyond this point on the page (eg.: Response.LCID = 1043 )
Response.LCID = 1043 ' REQUIRED! Set your LCID here (1043 = Brazilian). Could also be the LCID property of the page declaration or the Session.LCID property

' instantiate the class
set JSON = New JSONobject

' add properties
JSON.Add "prop1", "someString"
JSON.Add "prop2", 12.3
JSON.Add "prop3", Array(1, 2, "three")

' remove properties
JSON.Remove "prop2"
JSON.Remove "thisDoesNotExistsAndWillDoNothing"

' change some values
JSON.Change "prop1", "someOtherString"
JSON.Change "prop4", "thisWillBeCreated" ' this property doen't exists and will be created automagically

' get the values
Response.Write JSON.Value("prop1") & "<br>"
Response.Write JSON.Value("prop2") & "<br>"
Response.Write JSON("prop3").Serialize() & "<br>" ' default function is equivalent to `.Value(propName)` - this property returns a JSONarray object
Response.Write JSON("prop4") & "<br>"

' get the JSON formatted output
Dim jsonString
jsonString = JSON.Serialize() ' this will contain the string representation of the JSON object

JSON.Write() ' this will write the output to the Response - equivalent to: Response.Write JSON.Serialize()

' load and parse some JSON formatted string
jsonString = "[{ ""strings"" : ""valorTexto"", ""numbers"": 123.456, ""arrays"": [1, ""2"", 3.4, [5, 6, [7, 8]]], ""objects"": { ""prop1"": ""outroTexto"", ""prop2"": [ { ""id"": 1, ""name"": ""item1"" }, { ""id"": 2, ""name"": ""item2"", ""teste"": { ""maisum"": [1, 2, 3] } } ] } }]" ' double double quotes here because of the VBScript quotes scaping

set oJSONoutput = JSON.Parse(jsonString) ' this method returns the parsed object. Arrays are parsed to JSONarray objects

JSON.Write()        ' outputs: '{"data":[{"strings":"valorTexto","numbers":123.456,"arrays":[1,"2",3.4,[5,6,[7,8]]],"objects":{"prop1":"outroTexto","prop2":[{"id":1,"name":"item1"},{"id":2,"name":"item2","teste":{"maisum":[1,2,3]}}]}}]}'
oJSONoutput.Write() ' outputs: '[{"strings":"valorTexto","numbers":123.456,"arrays":[1,"2",3.4,[5,6,[7,8]]],"objects":{"prop1":"outroTexto","prop2":[{"id":1,"name":"item1"},{"id":2,"name":"item2","teste":{"maisum":[1,2,3]}}]}}]'

' if the string represents an object (not an array of objects), the current object is returned so there is no need to set the return to a new variable
jsonString = "{ ""strings"" : ""valorTexto"", ""numbers"": 123.456, ""arrays"": [1, ""2"", 3.4, [5, 6, [7, 8]]] }"

JSON.Write() ' outputs: '{"strings":"valorTexto","numbers":123.456,"arrays":[1,"2",3.4,[5,6,[7,8]]]}'

To load records from a database:

' load records from an ADODB.Recordset
dim cn, rs
set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.Open "yourConnectionStringGoesHere"

set rs = cn.execute("SELECT id, nome, valor FROM pedidos ORDER BY id ASC")
' this could also be:
' set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
' rs.Open "SELECT id, nome, valor FROM pedidos ORDER BY id ASC", cn 

JSON.LoadRecordset rs
JSONarr.LoadRecordset rs

set rs = Nothing
set cn = Nothing

JSON.Write()        ' outputs: {"data":[{"id":1,"nome":"nome 1","valor":10.99},{"id":2,"nome":"nome 2","valor":19.1}]}
JSONarr.Write()     ' outputs: [{"id":1,"nome":"nome 1","valor":10.99},{"id":2,"nome":"nome 2","valor":19.1}]

To change the default property name ("data") when loading arrays and recordsets, use the defaultPropertyName property:

' ...
JSON.defaultPropertyName = "CustomName"
JSON.Write()        ' outputs: {"CustomName":[{"id":1,"nome":"nome 1","valor":10.99},{"id":2,"nome":"nome 2","valor":19.1}]}

If you want to use arrays, I have something for you too

' instantiate the class
Dim JSONarr = New JSONarray

' add something to the array
JSONarr.Push JSON   ' Can be JSON objects, and even JSON arrays
JSONarr.Push 1.25   ' Can be numbers
JSONarr.Push "and strings too"

' write to page
JSONarr.Write() ' Gess what? This does the same as the Write method from JSON object

To loop arrays you have to access the items property of the JSONarray object and you can also access the items trough its index:

dim i, item

' more readable loop
for each item in JSONarr.items
    if isObject(item) and typeName(item) = "JSONobject" then
        response.write item
    end if

    response.write "<br>"

' faster but less readable
for i = 0 to JSONarr.length - 1
    if isObject(JSONarr(i)) then
        set item = JSONarr(i)

        if typeName(item) = "JSONobject" then
            response.write item
        end if
        item = JSONarr(i)
        response.write item
    end if

    response.write "<br>"
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