Simple library that can be used to perform subnet calculations and validate the format of IPv4 IP Addresses and Subnet Masks.
- Creating an object
- check_ip method
- check_mask method
- ip method
- subnet method
- network method
- broadcast method
- subnet_bits method
- host_count method
This library uses the Subnet_util class. To create an object, you'll need to supply two arguments:
IP Address and Subnet Mask
Here's an example of creating an object and calling its attributes
$ a = Subnet_util('', '')
$ a.ip_address
$ a.subnet_mask
The check_ip method will check the validity of the ip address. If the address is valid, it will return 'True'. If it is not valid, it will return 'False'
$ a.check_ip()
The check_mask method will check the validity of the subnet mask. If the subnet mask is valid, it will return 'True'. If it is not valid, it will return 'False'
$ a.check_mask()
The ip method will return the ip address in either dotted decimal format or binary format if the 'binary' argument is set to True. By default, it will return the ip in dotted decimal format.
$ a.ip()
$ a.ip(binary=True)
The subnet method will return the subnet mask in either dotted decimal format or binary format if the 'binary' argument is set to True. It is also possible to return the wildcard mask in either decimal or binary format when setting the wildcard argument to True.
$ a.subnet()
$ a.subnet(binary=True)
$ a.subnet(wildcard=True)
$ a.subnet(wildcard=True, binary=True)
The network method will return the network address in either dotted decimal format or binary format if the 'binary' argument is set to True. By default, it will return the network address in dotted decimal format.
The broadcast method will return the broadcast address in either dotted decimal format or binary format if the 'binary' argument is set to True. By default, it will return the broadcast address in dotted decimal format.
$ a.broadcast()
$ a.broadcast(binary=True)
The subnet_bits method will return the number of subnet bits in the familiar shorthand version of '/' + number of bits.
$ a.subnet_mask
$ a.subnet_bits()
The host_count method returns the number of valid hosts in a given network not including the network address and the broadcast address.
$ a.host_count()
This library is largely a derivative of code developed by Mihai Catalin Teodosiu