- Audience
- Small Festivals, Conferences, Unconferences, and events with limited budgets
- Problem
- Current solutions are expensive, over-engineered, resource intensive, lack incentive for the user, and sometimes all of the above
- Solution
- Deliver a stripped down solution that only offers the most relevant features (index of events, favorites, events currently happening)
- Tech
- Leverage VanillaJS, RequireJS, and static JSON to create a fast SPA as a MVP
- id: number
- title: string
- description: string
- start_date: string ("Thu Jan 03 1985 11:11:11 GMT-0400")
- end_date: string ("Thu Jan 03 1985 11:11:11 GMT-0400")
- location: string (name)
- host: string (author / band / moderator / name / speaker / sponsor)
- feature: string (author / band / moderator / name / speaker / sponsor)
- App
- Navigation
- Event
- Header
- Detail
- Description
- Transforms
- Fav
- Now
- Data
- Local Storage
- Truncate